Sometimes, parents know that the arguments that their children make won’t make sense later on, so they have to document what is said at the time. Most children refer to their parents as mommy and daddy.

This is something that most people accept and don’t argue about, except for one toddler who wants to call his parents by something else.

For the Beltran family, they knew that they needed to teach their kids their first names just in case they needed to tell someone if there’s an emergency.

When Mateo found out what his parent’s names are, he kept calling them by their names instead of mommy and daddy. He also used the names to get their attention.

When the parents aren’t paying attention to the little boy, he calls out their first names just like a parent would call out the name of a child. His mother happened to capture some of his noted moments on camera.

Mateo tries to get his mom to listen to him, but she tries to explain why she can’t at the moment. Finally, he calls her by her first name and tells her to listen to what he’s saying. The argument seems to arise because the little boy wants a cupcake or another treat and asked his grandma instead of his mom.

His mother tells him that he isn’t listening to her, and she isn’t listening to him in the process.