When a young girl was adopted by a loving family, she thought that her life was complete.

The family gave her a Christmas present that would change her mind and make her feel even more grateful for being in a loving environment. The little girl wanted something that she never thought that she would get.

The entire family gathered together for Christmas, rejoicing in the holiday and the love felt among the family members. When the parents asked the little girl to come into the living room, she didn’t know what they had planned for her. There was a tall gift leaning against a wall. It was wrapped in red paper and had a large bow on the front.

The outside of the gift looked extravagant, but it was what was on the inside that made the girl’s day brighter. All of the kids in the room helped the little girl remove the paper.

The father lifted the box up so that they could see what was inside. The family was able to fly in the girl’s foster sister. The two children were best friends when they were in the same foster home. The family also adopted the sister as an adult so that she would have her own family.