In a harrowing tale of survival and alleged abuse, an American woman was discovered chained to a tree in a remote forest in Maharashtra, India, after reportedly being abandoned there by her husband nearly 40 days ago. The distressing case has garnered significant attention and prompted an ongoing investigation into possible attempted murder.
Lalita Kayi, 50, was found in a dire state last Saturday in the dense Sindhudurg forest. The alarming discovery was made by a shepherd who heard her faint cries for help. Kayi, visibly emaciated and severely dehydrated, was rescued and taken to Goa Medical College for urgent medical treatment. Due to her weakened condition, she could only communicate her plight through a handwritten note.
An American Hispanic woman found tied to a tree in a jungle with the iron chain by her indian husband for 40 days in Maharashtra, India.
— Prohit ji (@Prohit_G) July 30, 2024
In her note, Kayi detailed her horrific ordeal: “Injection for extreme psychosis which caused severe locked jaw and inability to drink any water. Need intravenous food later – 40 days without food in the forest – husband tied me to a tree in a forest.” She further wrote, “’You’ll die in this forest’. I am a crime victim.”
The discovery of Kayi, bound with a metal chain, has led authorities to question whether her claims of being abandoned by her husband are true. While the initial belief is that she suffers from severe mental health issues, the presence of her medication and the extremity of her conditions have raised serious concerns.
Police Superintendent Saurabh Agrawal has confirmed that an investigation into possible attempted murder is underway. “We are verifying every claim and piece of information mentioned in her note. The situation is grave, and we need to ascertain all the facts before proceeding,” Agrawal stated.
The US woman who was found tied to a tree with an iron chain
in a forest in Maharashtra's Sindhudurg district is not able to record her statement with the police
as she is weak and has not eaten anything in a couple of days.
woman has been in India for the past 10 years.
— Dr.Jyoti S Patel 🇮🇳 (@DrJyoti_S_PATEL) July 30, 2024
Further complicating the case, Kayi was found with an American passport and an expired visa, indicating that she had been residing in India for the past decade. Documents also suggest that she had been living with her husband in Tamil Nadu. Authorities have yet to confirm her exact origin in the United States.
Amol Chavan, an inspector with the Sawantwadi Police Station, described the grim scene upon their arrival. “When we located her, she was severely dehydrated and appeared to have been stranded for at least 48 hours,” Chavan reported. Police had to cut down the tree and break the chain to free Kayi. They are still investigating the full extent of her captivity and the duration she was left in the forest.
Officials also noted that the area where Kayi was found had recently experienced heavy rainfall, which could have exacerbated her suffering. The combination of severe weather and her prolonged exposure adds another layer of tragedy to this already horrific situation.
As the investigation continues, the case has drawn widespread condemnation and concern. Kayi’s story serves as a stark reminder of the potential for abuse and neglect, even in seemingly tranquil settings. Authorities are working diligently to uncover the truth and ensure that justice is served for this American woman who endured unimaginable hardship.