If you’ve ever owned a hamster, then you know how adorable this fluffy pet truly is. Even though these small creatures like gnawing on all sorts of items all day long, special care is needed when it comes to their teeth.

Since hamsters are from the rodent family, that means their teeth are continuously growing. That’s why you see a hamster grinding its teeth down regularly to stop the teeth from overgrowing, by gnawing on something hard.

Still, veterinarians suggest that you learn to trim your friend’s teeth carefully with a nail clipper.

This is exactly what one loving hamster owner did with their rodent pal. The action was captured on YouTube. The conversation is all in Chinese, but that’s alright, because all you have to do is watch the action unfold.

The hamster is held over the sink, and you can observe two, long bottom teeth.

The pet is wriggling about, but the owner has it held by the scruff of the neck, forcing the pet to “smile.” As the owner brings the clippers right up to its teeth, the hamster expels four peanuts, then about nine more from its mouth.

The pet owner makes the first quick clip, and then, a huge nut emerges from the rodent’s cheek again. It appears to be a Brazilian nut. OMG! The owner continues clipping the two bottom teeth and then the two front teeth, as the little creature writhes about trying to block the clippers with its tiny hands