The comedy world was dealt a devastating blow this week as beloved comedian Perry Kurtz, 73, was tragically killed in a hit-and-run accident in Los Angeles. Known for his quick wit and long-standing presence in the comedy scene, Kurtz’s life was cut short late Thursday night while crossing an intersection in Tarzana.

The incident occurred around 11:30 p.m. as Kurtz was walking across Ventura Boulevard near Corbin Avenue, likely on his way home after a night of performing. A gray Honda Civic, driven by an 18-year-old male, struck Kurtz, throwing him into the roadway. Instead of stopping to render aid, the driver fled the scene, leaving Kurtz to die alone on the cold pavement. First responders from the Los Angeles Fire Department arrived shortly after, but it was too late. Kurtz was pronounced dead at the scene.

The Los Angeles Police Department quickly launched an investigation and, within hours, arrested the suspect at his residence. The suspect’s vehicle was found abandoned not far from the scene, further implicating him in the crime. The teen is now facing a felony charge for hit-and-run causing death, a crime that highlights the reckless disregard for life that is becoming all too common in our society.

Kurtz’s death is a significant loss not just for his family and friends but for the entire comedy community. His daughter, Zelda Velazquez, expressed her grief on social media, revealing that her father had been traveling between comedy gigs when the tragedy occurred. This heartbreaking detail underscores Kurtz’s dedication to his craft, even at 73 years old.

Kurtz’s agent, Dante Rusciolelli, also shared his sorrow, saying, “Golden Artists Entertainment and myself are personally devastated by this news. Perry was not only a client, he’s been my friend since 1987. He has been a staple in the Los Angeles comedy community for decades and will be greatly missed. Our prayers are with his family.”

Kurtz had a long and storied career, earning a reputation as a fixture in the Los Angeles comedy scene. While he may not have become a household name, he made his mark in the industry with his unique style and dedication to making people laugh. One of his more notable appearances was his Season 8 audition on “America’s Got Talent,” where he humorously rapped about the judges. Though he didn’t make it past the audition stage, his performance was a testament to his fearless approach to comedy.

Just hours before his untimely death, Kurtz performed in Los Angeles, with a video of the show posted to his official Facebook account. Fans have since flocked to the comments section to express their grief, sharing memories and paying tribute to a man who brought so much laughter into their lives.

In a world that often seems increasingly devoid of kindness, Kurtz’s death is a tragic reminder of the fragility of life. As his loved ones mourn, it’s clear that Perry Kurtz’s legacy will live on through the countless people he touched with his humor and generosity. The comedy community has lost a true original, and his absence will be deeply felt.