You know how when at a zoo or aquarium, all that is sometimes separating you and the animals are see-through walls? Seeing the animals up close can be great, but have you considered what would happen if the glass shattered?
No one likes to think about their glass aquarium housing breaking, but it is a possibility. Unfortunately, this happened earlier today at the Radisson Collection hotel in Berlin when their 46-foot tall aquarium shattered, leaving 1,500 exotic fish flopping around on the floor.
The aquarium was located in the hotel’s foyer, and there was an elevator that had a glass wall so that guests could get a closer look at the fish while traveling up or down.
The AquaDom is no more. On early Friday morning, hotel guests were awakened by a loud noise as the glass shattered and water gushed out. The water flowed into the lobby and onto the street outside. Two people were injured by flying glass from the aquarium.
As stated by Franziska Giffey, the mayor of Berlin, close to 1 million liters (264,000 gallons) of water leaked out from the AquaDom. Although a good amount of fish was still swimming in the residual water, many did not survive.
Union Investment, the real estate investment company that owns AquaDom, released a statement explaining that every effort is being made to save any fish still alive. Union Investment continued, “We are dismayed at the accident and with the two injured persons all the best and a speedy recovery. We would also like to express our dismay to our affected tenants.”
Raddison hotels have released a statement saying that the hotel is currently closed and all guests will be relocated.
Only two years ago, the AquaDom was refurbished. However, it has mysteriously broken and nobody knows why.
The AquaDom is a beautiful and unique decoration for your home, but it’s also breakable. Watch the video below to see what it looks like after breaking.