Fulvia Pellegrino spent four decades denying who she truly was. Although she was born with a male body, Pellegrino always identified as a woman but never felt at ease making the change until she got married. Fulvia, who was previously known as Fulvio, has received full support from her spouse to transition to life as a woman and has been on that path for years now.

Fulvia’s transition to womanhood included operations and cosmetic treatments, which she considers have aided her in attaining the “ideal” female form. Fulvia has had more than 150 lip and cheekbone fillers, two series of liposuction, and four breast augmentations throughout the years.

Fulvia knew she was transgender by the age of fifteen, but she concealed her identity from her family because they were very religious. Fulvia’s father was also a priest, and she feared that if she revealed her trans status, her family would reject her.

“I was living with my family, who were very narrow-minded and very religious. I never manifested my will because it was impossible with my dad. He had three sons, and he wanted three sons only,” she stated.

Fulvia kept her secret to herself until she met Marissa, 32 years ago. Fulvia began exploring life as a transgender woman shortly after they got married. She started going to gay bars and dressing in women’s clothing in the privacy of her garage. Outsiders, on the other hand, were unaware that Fulvia was struggling with her gender identity because she presented a tough front by buying weapons and high-end automobiles.

When Fulvia revealed her decision to live as a woman to Marisa, her partner was appalled. It’s been sixteen years since then.

“Obviously, Marisa lost if, for a moment, it is not something that is easy to accept. Today Marisa and I are nothing more than two sisters. We live together. We argue like two normal people but not like husband and wife.”

Fulvia, on the other hand, sought out psychological help after discovering that she couldn’t have a body of her dreams due to hormone therapy. Marisa, meanwhile, turned to a psychologist for advice. Thankfully, Marisa stuck by Fulvia’s side and did everything she could to learn how to accept her partner’s new identity.

Fulvia, on the other hand, was rejected by her family when she began to transition. She was not permitted to attend her father’s burial.

“My dad asked my wife to sign a paper to send me into a psychiatric institution to make me change my mind,” Fulvia stated.

Despite the fact that she lacked the backing of her biological family, she did have a strong wife who encouraged her to pursue the “perfect” female physique in 2004.

To finance the treatments, Fulvia sold her weapons and properties. She is, however, ecstatic with the outcomes.

“I am now the clown of Peveragno. They point at me. They talk about me. They start inventing stories about me that I am a prostitute. My friends have all vanished – they didn’t accept me,” said Fulvia. “I couldn’t be without Marisa and do what I do without her. She is always here with me.”

It’s not enough for her.

“I won’t stop here. I want to go ahead because it’s not perfect. If I reach perfection, maybe I will stop.”