In the midst of New York City’s descent into chaos, Sylvester Stallone, the iconic Hollywood tough guy, took extraordinary measures to safeguard his family. Stallone recently disclosed that he ensured his daughters underwent rigorous self-defense training led by Navy SEALs before relocating to the Big Apple. The move underscores the grim reality of the city’s skyrocketing violent and property crimes.

Stallone, renowned for his roles embodying strength and resilience, prioritized the safety of his daughters, Sophia and Sistine, aged 27 and 25 respectively, as they prepared to navigate the perilous streets of the ‘Rotten Apple.’ Recognizing the city’s increasingly hazardous environment, Stallone spared no expense in arming his loved ones with the skills needed to fend off potential threats.

Reflecting on the demanding training regimen, Sistine Stallone recounted the grueling nature of the experience, emphasizing its intensity beyond what was captured on screen during their family’s reality TV show, “The Family Stallone.” “It was about six hours we were in those woods. They made it a cute little montage, Sophia and I got our a–es whooped by these guys, they were the real deal,” she remarked candidly.

For the Stallone siblings, such rigorous training sessions weren’t entirely unfamiliar. Raised in an environment where physical fitness and discipline were paramount, Sophia affirmed, “It was a rigorous routine.” She humorously reminisced about their father’s unconventional breakfast ritual, quipping, “it was every day at 6 a.m. he would make us eat eggs with ketchup, for some reason that combination was like an elite combination.”

Beyond physical prowess, Stallone emphasized the importance of agility and patience, illustrated by an exercise involving chasing a chicken. “Chasing a chicken sounds like a fun game. You have to have speed, patience, agility and understand that you’re going to be beaten by something that weighs three pounds and has a beak,” he explained, shedding light on the unorthodox yet effective training methods.

Despite the Stallone sisters’ newfound skills, concerns linger over their safety in the city’s tumultuous landscape. Sistine admitted, “I don’t think he’ll ever be less nervous. He’s like a classic, overprotective dad. Three daughters at an age where, you know, we’re kind of all over the place and we’re out and about.”

As New York City grapples with escalating crime rates, families like the Stallones are forced to take proactive measures to safeguard their loved ones. Stallone’s decision to equip his daughters with elite self-defense training serves as a stark reminder of the dire state of lawlessness plaguing America’s once-proud metropolis.

In the face of adversity, Stallone’s unwavering commitment to his family’s safety exemplifies the resilience and determination ingrained in the American spirit. As the city’s streets grow increasingly treacherous, families across the nation must heed Stallone’s example, taking decisive action to protect what matters most in these uncertain times.