If you have a busy schedule and yet want to keep your dog, you may run into issues finding someone to care for them. They’ll look for pet sitters if they can’t leave their dogs with a family or friend when they’re on travel for business most of the time. If you’re one of them, be wary.
A video of a dog being abused by their sitter has gone viral after the owner installed security cameras in their home. The pup’s owners probably never expected something like this to happen, but they’re glad they had the live footage to show what happened.
The Hortons were petrified when they viewed their live video footage and saw the dog sitter violently throwing a 10-week-old Golden Retriever pup to the ground. The puppy lay there whimpering in pain as she just watched it, not moving to help it get up.
The video below shows a pup named “Lucy” who was helpless as the dogsitter slammed her into her pen and onto the hard floor. The sitter was just coldly staring at her.
Bryce said during the interview with police, “I saw it on the camera live, she was still standing there. That’s when I talked to her through the camera, told her, ‘Hey, I saw what you did to the dog. You need to get your stuff and get out of the house.’”
It’s a shame, though, that the sitter was hired through Rover, a reliable dog-related website. She had no idea she was being watched and recorded by the owners.
Fortunately, Lucy only had mild injuries from the fall and was checked by a vet soon after. Bryce stated, “The vet made the comment, ‘She must have bones made of rubber’ ’cause she threw her down hard for a puppy that’s that young.”
You’re probably asking yourself why the sitter acted in such a manner.
The sitter’s excuse, according to Bryce, was that she became too frustrated with Lucy. But the owner could not comprehend because she had only watched the dog for around 15 minutes. And if she doesn’t have the patience, then she shouldn’t have become a dog sitting in the first place.
According to Rover, they have already deleted this woman’s profile from their website. They are also assisting the authorities in any way possible. They even offered to reimburse the family’s veterinarian costs for what her former employer had done to the dog. Spokesman Dave Rosenbaum stated, “The activity depicted in this video is shocking and appalling. We have permanently deactivated this sitter from our platform and will continue to investigate. Any incident of this nature is extremely rare on our platform, and we take it very seriously. ”
In light of this occurrence, San Bernardino County Animal Control has launched an inquiry that may result in criminal charges. Bryce said that when people make mistakes, it’s important to pay attention. You can’t just let things like this slide because other families might be subjected to the same brutality in the hands of this dog sitter.
If you’re looking for someone to look after your dog while you’re away, one of the best options is hiring a dog sitter. However, there are some things you should do to prepare for their arrival. To make sure that your fur babies are safe, install cameras around your home. This will give you an assurance that they are safe because you can watch or record them while you are away.