Amanda Lee is a fitness model on Instagram. She spoke recently about how she started out without any followers and then transitioned to having ten million.
She was a personal trainer that had never modeled before, so it was quite a journey. Lee was a trainer from Los Angeles. She showed off a lot of her fitness regimen on Instagram, including pumping iron and even something that she calls “booty workout plans” in order to enhance her backside.
When asked how she got started, Lee said that it began when she was helping with the training of this particular girl, someone named Michelle Game.Michelle was a hip hop model and had her own following to the tune of 80,000. Michelle wanted to take a selfie with lee and tagged Lee on it. That picture blew up and suddenly Lee had a lot of business in the form of people asking her for help with their workouts and so on. That’s when Lee changed her own page to be more exclusively about workouts and this is where she started to take off.
Lee has her own personal style when it comes to taking a good photo. She puts effort into making sure what she’s wearing, the lighting in the room, and what’s in the background all line up the way that she wants them to in general. She also said that there’s certainly effort given to make her personality seems as large as possible as well, based on the angles. In terms of workout routines, Lee focuses on her legs a couple of times a week.
She does this with heavyweights in order to build up her thighs. Beyond this, she also does Romanian Deadlifts, steps, walking lunges, squats, leg presses and just about anything else that helps to build up her lower body. Amanda’s favorite exercise is her walking lunges. This is because she can feel the burn the next day just about always, which helps to tell her that it’s working. She dislikes the squats the most, generally because she thinks of them as not very interesting. She really has to make herself do them.
Resistance bands are also something that Amada focuses on, and she says that they are especially useful for times when she can’t make it to the gym. Lee also says that she hates dieting and never actually did this.
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All of my favorite at home booty exercises! Donkey kicks, single leg bridges and leg lifts. ??
Instead, she focuses on making sure she gets enough protein, and eats more times per day than others, going for food about 5 times. She tries to not eat anything white like white sugar or white bread, and also focuses on drinking a lot of water throughout the day. She also takes a lot of protein shakes to make sure that she’s building muscle. In terms of what she’s trying to accomplish, Lee focuses on building muscle since her physique is naturally curvier and soft. This means she has to try extra hard to make sure she’s building up that muscle.