Despite a documented age of almost 118 years, Julia Flores Colque still sings with pleasure in her native Quechua language and strums the five strings of a tiny Andean guitar known as the charango, SACABA, Bolivia. She has witnessed two world wars, political upheavals in her birthplace of Bolivia, and the transformation of her
Flores Colque, who is believed to be the world’s oldest person, was born on October 26, 1900, in a mining camp in Bolivia’s mountains. She would be 117 years old and just over 10 months old, making her the Andean nation’s oldest woman and perhaps the world’s oldest living individual.
received any application for either Flores Colque or her record, and according to Flores Colque, she doesn’t seem to care. She’s never heard of the book.
She enjoys the company of her dogs, cats, and rooster these days. She is alert and full of life, and she loves singing Quechua folkloric songs to anybody who visits her dirt-floor adobe home with her 65-year-old grandniece.
She now spends her days with her dogs, cats, and rooster. She is vibrant and full of life, and she enjoys singing Quechua folkloric songs to anybody who comes by her dirt-floor adobe home with her 65-year-old grandniece.
Previously, the world’s oldest person was a 117-year-old Japanese woman. Nabi Tajima was born on August 4, 1900. According to reports, Flores Colque has now become the world’s oldest living person as a result of her death.
Births were not recorded in Bolivia until after 1940, and baptism certificates from Roman Catholic priests were previously used to register newborns. The Bolivian government has verified Flores Colque’s national ID card, however.
According to the United Nations’ Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, Bolivia’s remarkable longevity is stunning in a region where mortality is still very high.
The Flores Colque residence has been declared a living treasure by the Sacaba mayor’s office. A brick walkway was constructed in front of her house, as well as a shower and toilet with a railing so that the centenarian may safely make her way to the restroom at night, thanks to the office and a private foundation’s contributions.
She may seem timeless or like an ancient stone statue carved in stone as she sits on a rustic seat in the sun. She is hard of hearing, but Blanquita’s attempts to go outside elicit harsh words from her.
She had been walking quickly just a few years before. She, however, tumbled and injured her back. The doctor predicted she would never walk again. She proved the doctor wrong by recovering from this tragedy.