All parents can attest to the overwhelming worry that comes with their child being unwell – we would go to any length for our little ones’ health and wellbeing.
It’s that unfortunate time of year again – cold and flu season. Many kids are facing fevers, exhaustion, as well as other unpleasant symptoms including coughing and sneezing.
Are you looking for a way to help your family get better from illness quickly? If so, then the potato hack might be the answer you need! All it takes is something that’s probably already in your kitchen: a potato. It sounds strange, but this simple vegetable can have amazing healing powers. So what are you waiting for? Head to your kitchen and grab a spud today!
Try this simple hack to feel better when you wake up: before going to sleep, cut a potato into slices and place one slice at the bottom of each foot. Put on socks over your feet in order to keep the potatoes secure throughout the night; by morning, not only will you be feeling more revived, but also be intrigued about what results may have occurred due to toxins being extracted from your body during sleep!
TikTok is abuzz with this hack and everyone’s talking about how successful it really is. Check out this video to get the full details of how to do the hack and prepare yourselves for what the potato slices look like afterwards! It’ll blow your mind!
@food_over_rx Potato sock flu remedy. It works !! My daughter has been feeling so much better !!! #potato #potatosocks ♬ Spongebob Tomfoolery – Dante9k Remix – David Snell
You may be doubtful whether this particular hack is truly effective. After all, inserting potatoes into your socks? That sounds a bit bizarre!
TikTok is abuzz with people giving this hack a try and sharing their results. @isabelle.lux had this to say about her experience:
@isabelle.lux What came out of my body last night. Tried to put potatoes in my socks and it’s thecraziest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Is this a detox? Has anyone heard of this cold remedy?
Following the lead of TikTok user @a.l.i.c.i.a_n.o.rth, she and her children put this home remedy to the test – and they were absolutely blown away by its efficacy! With complete confidence, she now recommends it as a highly effective solution for those suffering from insomnia or any other sleep-related issues.
@a.l.i.c.i.a_n.o.r.t.h Tested out the potatoes in socks remedy and I'm convinced! #homeremedy #potatoes #fever #flu #fyp #potatoesinsock ♬ original sound – Alicia_North
Though some people trust that this potato in socks home remedy is reliable, one pediatrician took to TikTok to demystify why it may not be the panacea many believe.
@dr.amnahusain #stitch with @anotheroldmom #pediatricianreacts #pediatricianreviews #pediatriciansbelike #pediatriciandebunks ♬ Taste It – Ikson
Are you willing to take the plunge and give potatoes in socks a try? Do you believe it will make a difference or do you think, like the pediatrician in this video, that those who reported success might have just happened to use the remedy on their road to recovery anyways?