Nobody would want to fly on an aircraft if they knew the pilot was unqualified and not authorized. The driver does not only need a valid license; she must also have the required experience, training, and accreditation.

A copilot on a plane en route to New York Forty minutes into the flight, it was discovered that he didn’t have the correct credentials to actually fly the plane, forcing the crew to make an emergency turnaround. According to reports, the co-pilot revealed that he had not yet completed his final qualification exam for the job.

The aircraft took off from London, therefore the United Kingdom’s Civil Aviation Authority has provided an update on the situation. The organization stated that “Virgin Atlantic has made us aware of the incident. Both pilots were suitably licensed and qualified to undertake the flight.”

Despite the fact that both pilots had the required credentials, the plane was kept on the tarmac for three hours while another pilot with similar expertise was located.

According to The Guardian, the pilot in question began working for the airline in 2017. Despite having his UK credentials, he had not completed the last test that was required by Virgin Atlantic, according to the newspaper.

Furthermore, Virgin Atlantic emphasized that everything worked out in the end. They said: “The qualified first officer, who was flying alongside an experienced captain, was replaced with a new pilot to ensure full compliance with Virgin Atlantic’s training protocols, which exceed industry standards.”

You must have 1,500 hours of flight experience to fly for a commercial airline; this may be done in two years.

Commercial pilots, on the other hand, are not able to fly every type of aircraft and even some models of commercial planes. Although commercial pilots are highly trained and talented, they aren’t qualified to operate every sort of aircraft or even each model of commercial aircraft. Pilots are only authorized to fly the types for which they have received training and earned a rating since each aircraft is distinct in its own way.

There is almost certainly not a single pilot on the planet who is qualified to fly every type of aircraft that exists. This is due to the fact that it is physically impossible for a single individual to be trained on each and every model of plane, ranging from tiny single-engine planes up to the most sophisticated military jets.

Airlines from all around the world have been reporting major staffing shortages, especially in the United States. According to a story printed by The Guardian, JetBlue has had to cancel a large number of flights due to a lack of crew.

This is a symptom of an overall labor shortage that airlines all around the world are now dealing with.

What do you think? What would you have felt if you discovered that your plane was making a turn to the departure area because the pilot wasn’t qualified to fly it?