In a heartbreaking turn of events, the hockey world has been rocked by the tragic deaths of Columbus Blue Jackets star Johnny Gaudreau and his younger brother, Matthew. The two brothers were struck and killed by a vehicle while riding their bikes in Oldmans Township, New Jersey, on Thursday evening. Johnny was 31 years old, and Matthew was 29.
The accident occurred when the driver, Sean Higgins, attempted a reckless maneuver to pass an SUV that had slowed down to safely navigate around the Gaudreau brothers. In his dangerous bid to pass on the right, Higgins fatally struck both Johnny and Matthew from behind. Reports indicate that Higgins was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the crash, allegedly admitting to consuming “five to six beers” before getting behind the wheel. Higgins has been arrested and charged with two counts of death by auto, a charge that underscores the severe consequences of his actions.
The Columbus Blue Jackets released a statement expressing their profound grief and shock at the loss of their beloved player. “Johnny was not only an exceptional hockey player but a loving husband, father, son, brother, and friend. We are devastated by this unimaginable tragedy and extend our deepest sympathies to his wife Meredith, their children Noa and Johnny, his parents, and the entire Gaudreau family,” the statement read.
Johnny Gaudreau, a native of Salem, New Jersey, had a distinguished career in the NHL, playing for both the Calgary Flames and the Columbus Blue Jackets over 11 seasons. Known affectionately by fans as “Johnny Hockey,” Gaudreau was a seven-time NHL All-Star and one of the most exciting players to watch on the ice. His journey from a wide-eyed college kid at Boston College to a superstar in the NHL is a testament to his talent, determination, and love for the game. In 2014, he was awarded the Hobey Baker Award, recognizing him as the top player in college hockey.
But beyond his on-ice accomplishments, Johnny was a family man. He leaves behind his wife, Meredith, and their two young children, Noa, 1, and Johnny, just 6 months old. The tragedy is compounded by the fact that Johnny and Matthew were set to serve as groomsmen in their sister Katie’s wedding the very next day. The family, already grappling with unimaginable grief, now faces an even more profound loss on what should have been a joyous occasion.
Matthew Gaudreau, like his brother, was also a talented hockey player, having played at Boston College before pursuing a career in professional hockey. He signed with the New York Islanders’ minor league affiliate in 2017 and played in Sweden and the ECHL in the U.S. until 2021.
The Gaudreau family’s loss is not just a blow to the NHL and its fans but also a reminder of the senseless dangers posed by drunk driving—a scourge that continues to claim innocent lives. This tragedy marks the second time in recent years that the Blue Jackets organization has been struck by devastating news, following the 2021 death of goaltender Matiss Kivlenieks, who tragically died in a fireworks accident.
As the hockey community mourns the loss of Johnny and Matthew Gaudreau, their legacy will live on, not only through their contributions to the sport but also in the hearts of those who knew and loved them.