In a world where justice and retribution often dominate headlines, there shines a story that challenges our beliefs and stirs the soul. Salvador Ramos, known as the Uvalde gunman responsible for a devastating shooting that claimed the lives of 19 innocent elementary school children and two teachers, has found an unexpected ally in his mother, Adriana Reyes.

Salvador Ramos’s heinous rampage in May 2022 sent shockwaves across the nation, leaving a trail of immeasurable pain and grief in its wake. The scars inflicted upon the victims’ families are deep and enduring. Yet, amidst this darkness, Adriana Reyes has emerged as a beacon of faith, questioning our notions of forgiveness and healing.

Adriana Reyes, a deeply devout woman, firmly believes that her son, Salvador Ramos, has found redemption in the afterlife. She trusts that God has embraced his soul, despite the terrible acts he committed. In an exclusive interview with, she shared her perspective on her son’s actions and the aftermath.

As Adriana visited her son’s grave at a serene cemetery outside San Antonio, Texas, her unwavering conviction shone through. She tenderly placed plastic flowers and a Guardian Angel candle on his grave, accompanied by the Lord’s Prayer playing softly on her cell phone. These simple yet profound gestures bear testimony to her unwavering belief in her son’s redemption.

While Adriana Reyes acknowledges the pain inflicted by her son’s actions on the victims’ families, she stands firm in her belief that offering apologies serves no purpose. In her eyes, it cannot resurrect the innocent lives lost or change people’s perceptions of her and her son. Her resolute stance remains unshaken, regardless of public opinion.

Marisabelle, Salvador Ramos’s sister, currently serves in the US Navy in San Diego. She, too, grapples with the complex emotions surrounding her brother’s actions. The family has endured an unimaginable amount of pain and scrutiny since that tragic day.

Salvador Ramos’s final resting place bears a headstone engraved with the affectionate nickname “Lonnie,” bestowed upon him by his grandmother. This moniker, she explained, originated from the Spanish word “pélon,” which means bald, a nod to his sparse hair as a child. Notably, the headstone omits his real name and the date of his passing.

During her visits to the cemetery, Adriana Reyes lovingly tends to her son’s headstone and expresses her deep desire to eventually bring his ashes back home. She longs for his presence in the house where he spent most of his life.

Back at their Uvalde residence, Reyes maintains her son’s room as a cherished shrine of memories. His clothing, including his Wendy’s work t-shirt, remains untouched, serving as a poignant connection to his memory. In his room, a large black punching bag with his boxing gloves still hangs from the ceiling, a poignant reminder of his life.

Adriana Reyes’s journey has been fraught with challenges and heartache. She maintains her steadfast belief that her son’s involvement in the tragic events resulted from factors beyond her control. She has even suggested that her family was unfairly targeted and “red-flagged” by the government due to her son’s online activities.

The tragic saga began when Salvador Ramos shot his 66-year-old grandmother, Celia Gonzales, during a heated argument at her home. He then commandeered her Ford F-150 truck and drove it to Robb Elementary School, where the horrific incident unfolded. The Department of Justice later criticized the police response to the rampage, citing various failures in leadership, decision-making, tactics, policy, and training.

Adriana Reyes’s story serves as a powerful testament to the intricate tapestry of human emotions, the enduring strength of faith, and the lengths to which a mother will go to seek redemption for her child. In a world often defined by judgment and condemnation, her unshakable faith in God’s forgiveness calls upon us to reflect upon the true essence of compassion and healing.