After learning a crucial lesson about his personality, a mother in Texas decided to give her son a lesson. The youngster was causing a disturbance at school. His mother was contacted by administrators at the institution where he went to school, who informed her that her son was bullying other pupils there. The Texas mom stated that her son had gotten on the wrong track and was calling other kids “idiots” and “stupid,” which prompted her to give her bully son a T-shirt that said, “I am a BULLY.”

At Greenleaf Elementary School in her community, Mom wanted her son to be labeled a bully. She was aware that other students at the school had heard rumors about her son being a terrible person to other children. However, she wanted everyone to know that she believed them, and that’s why she forced him to wear a T-shirt in front of hundreds of people at the school – not to mention thousands of people online who saw his mother’s social media post on Facebook.

“He was calling other boys stupid (and) calling them idiots,” the Texas mom, Star, said. “I’m a very old-school parent. I don’t coddle my children. I don’t sugarcoat the world to them.”

Star posted a picture of her son wearing a T-shirt that said “I’m a bully” to Facebook in order to tell as many people as possible. Star said, “I posted it to reach out to the parents of any of the kids my son may have bullied so that each one of them could get a personal apology.”

Some fans felt that when it came to punishing her son’s bully, Star went too far, but she defended herself against critics in the online community and stood by her actions.

“I wanted to know what he learned from it, and he said, ‘I learned that I didn’t like the way that that felt, and I don’t want anybody else to feel that way because of me,’” Star stated. “That’s exactly what I wanted him to take from it.”

Professionals in the area of child development are opposed to Star’s punishment. Although her son was a bully who was hurting other children, a child psychiatrist at Baylor College of Medicine blasted Star’s methods with her kid.

“Not a good idea to embarrass your child and solidify a negative identity in an elementary school child,” the child psychiatrist stated. “She needs to find somebody to help her, and I think the school is one resource.”

Even though Star was receiving criticism from social media users and others across the internet, she claimed that her son’s school district approved of her decision.

Splendora ISD stated, “parents have the right to make important decisions and take certain actions on behalf of their child.”

Do you think this punishment appropriate for a bully son, coming from his mother?