A better way to treat kids is to buy them a happy meal at their favorite restaurants. Thus, kids are ready to do anything their parents require to get a treat at McDonald’s. This is exactly what a mother did to convince her son before committing suicide.
Reports indicate that a middle-aged British woman, Emma Sillett, treated her five-year-old son, Jenson Spellman, with a happy meal at McDonald’s before committing suicide. Afterward, she drove to Derbyshire, tied his hands to hers, and jumped to the reservoir, killing them both. According to reports, Emma filled her son’s bag with rocks before they both made the jump. The duo was found lying on dirty water two days after missing reports were filed. They were found in the deserted Valehouse reservoir in Derbyshire.
Emma left a suicide note in her car. According to the note, Emma indicated that she couldn’t bear her son Jenson’s thought separating from her. At her time of death, she served as a social worker. Her suicide note indicates that Emma clearly wanted to commit suicide. Thus, she opted to convince her son by treating him to a happy meal since she could not think of leaving without him. John Spellman, Emma’s partner, contacted the emergency services of a missing mother and child. John indicated that for the past few weeks, Emma had been in a low mood. He added that Emma constantly used phrases such as ‘ending it all.’ However, she never indicated or gave signals about harming her son. During recent court proceedings, experts indicated that Emma was struggling with depression. She had suffered from three miscarriages, the latest being weeks before she committed suicide. The police indicated that suicide was prompted by the failed relationship with the son’s father. This was a major concern in her life. Authorities located her car a day after the tragic incident. They found remains of a McDonald’s meal, a mobile phone, and handwritten letters in her purse. Toxicology tests indicated that neither the two casualties never developed injuries. Also, no traces of drugs were found on their blood systems.
During the court proceedings, DC Fearson explained that the letter indicated how Emma was in a dilemma about Jensen’s life. According to her, she had to save Jensen from this world and never intended to hurt him. Fearson added that Emma thought she could not stand the thought of her drifting away from Jensen. She indicated that she couldn’t bear the thought of his son getting bullied or being singled out. Emma’s sister, Nicola Sillet, told the police that she was one of her seven sisters. Nicola added that Emma got bullied as a kid, but she overcame that since she was a strong and intelligent lady.