In a remarkable act of charity, a dedicated gamer decided to shave his head to raise funds. However, what awaited him beneath his hairline left him startled—a distinct indentation on his skull, caused by the prolonged use of gaming headphones. Curtoss, a popular streaming gamer, found himself in utter disbelief and turmoil as he witnessed the consequences of his extensive headphone usage while playing online games.

Curtoss soon realized that he was not alone in this catastrophic revelation. After he shared a video showcasing the indentation on his head caused by his headphones, fellow gamers came forward in solidarity, sharing images of their own “gamer heads.” It became evident that many individuals had developed similar indentations on their skulls due to prolonged headphone usage.

Experts now predict that dedicated gamers will exhibit noticeable physical differences compared to their peers within the next two decades. Alongside the telltale headphone indent, known as “gamers head,” avid gamers are also expected to experience bloodshot eyes and blistered hands as a result of their extensive gaming sessions throughout the years.

In his video, where he courageously shaved his skull, Curtoss explained the situation before unveiling the distinctive indentation caused by his prolonged headphone use:

“The shaver’s working like a champ. I’m looking at an indent here, exactly where my headphones go. I have a expletive headphone indent in my head. What the expletive. I thought it was just my hair; I thought my hair alone caused this.”

In reality, it is unlikely that Curtoss’s gaming activities were solely responsible for the skull indentation. It is more plausible that it was either a congenital defect or the presence of a bone tumor that led to the alteration in the shape of his head. The phenomenon of “gamers head” is comparable to the indentations people develop on the bridge of their noses from wearing eyeglasses daily.

For those who have encountered the issue of “gamers head,” there are a few potential remedies to alleviate the associated problems. Massaging the indentation or applying gentle pressure to the affected area may provide some relief. Additionally, taking a hot shower has shown to reduce the size of such indentations resulting from constant headphone usage.

Curtoss shared his video on Twitter, where it swiftly garnered over forty-two million views and continues to climb. Many individuals offered suggestions, proposing that he switch to earbuds instead of over-the-ear headphones to minimize the likelihood of experiencing “gamers head.”

“One fear unlocked. Brb, checking my head,” a commenter quipped humorously.

An imaginative individual visualized the potential appearance of gamers in the future if they persist in spending excessive hours hunched over gaming consoles or computers. This projection, aptly named “Michael,” portrays stooped shoulders, a protruding gut, and a distinctive indentation on the crown of the head caused by streaming headphones.

“Introducing Michael, a visual representation of the future gamer,” stated a spokesperson from, a Canadian company that conducted a study on how avid gamers may appear in the next twenty years if they do not modify their lifestyle habits.

What are your thoughts on these intriguing “gamers heads”?