Parenthood, is supposed to be a joyous time for parents, and their babies that they choose to bring into this world. Most parents are usually head over heels in love with their new little bundles of joy that they created and can’t wait to go through all of the parenting stages with their child. There are not many rewards of parenting, but the few that there are, are mostly signs that you did it right. Watching your children grow up into decent respectable humans is one of the most common rewards of parenthood. Since children do not come with manuals, it’s all really just a guessing game.

Imagine the surprise of Raphael Samuel’s parents when they first learned that Raphael is going to sue them just because they brought him into this world. Being born and raised in Mumbai, it makes you wonder if this is a tradition of theirs because it sounds so crazy, right? Well Raphael is serious. He seems to think that because he was not asked to be born and brought into this world, and that no child is, that it is a completely selfish act that the parent does. Because the parents want to have children. But the even crazier part of this story is that his parents are supporting him all the way. His mom and dad both are in his corner, even with a pending lawsuit from their child that they raised, because he thinks his parents acted selfishly to give birth to him.

While just suing his parents is enough to make you wonder where they went wrong, Raphael Samuel also says that parents do not deserve respect just because they are your parents. He is causing an up roar on social media with all of his beliefs and has even obtained quite the following from it as well. While some of his followers agree with him, some of them are also in disagreement. Many people think that the very idea of suing your parents, because they are your parents is absurd, much less that your parents do not deserve respect because they chose to give birth to you and bring you into this world. With followers on both sides of the fence, Raphael Samuel is making a name for himself and posting videos of himself in disguise on social media. He also states that he does respect his parents, but it is not because they are his parents and they gave birth to him. So, with support from them and his fans, he may be the new social media sensation.

This isn’t the first case of the child wanting to sue their parents. But it is the first case known of the child wanting to sue his parents because he was born. Even being born into a good loving supportive family didn’t hold any weight to the decision that Raphael made. Can you imagine how he would feel if he had been born to unsupportive parents that did not love him or take care of him?