The activity placed on one’s Instagram account projects the person that they are. For Kelly, activity is the main source of her success. Kelly admits to being a very social person. She loves to travel and places as much attention as she can into her schooling. She started college in Texas but would move to California after a few semesters. She attained a Bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Management. Placing her focus on her schooling meant that she was very dedicated to how her success would transfer into a career. After receiving her degree, Kelly was notified that she was recognized for her work and that she would be honored as the Class Valedictorian. Kelly still holds these honors as her greatest life achievements.

While attending school, Kelly started to star in small modeling projects. She landed a job with Monster, an energy drink company that had a heavy presence in California.

Through her time with Monster, Kelly would be featured at multiple events. Motocross and bike races were of the highest mention. Kelly developed a passion for these extreme sports and that helped to work her into a routine that involved her interest in sports. She had placed heavy attention on physical fitness in the past, but had never pursued more than a few weekly visits to a local gym. She trained with some of the top professionals in the area and would use her new-found celebrity status to help foster in a directive towards the world of fitness. Her Instagram page is filled with inspirational videos and content that expand on her progressions in the world of fitness. She also posts some of her routines and eating habits to help people set a course for accomplishing their own goals.

She is a very grateful individual who never takes her success for granted. She credits her determination and focuses as the reason why she was able to juggle so much at one time. When it comes to schooling, Kelly says the wheels on the bus are still rolling. She hopes to pursue a doctorate degree or reach a higher level of education. Education comes first for Kelly, with her extensions of being taking a back seat to her academics. This course of being is what has helped people gravitate towards her likeness. Beyond being a brilliant individual, she has a very spontaneous and outgoing side. Most of her posts and comments would be categorized as goofy, but that is just an extension of her likable personality. She has amassed nearly 200,000 followers on Instagram, just breaking into an industry of social media success. Her reprieve comes from her interactions with her fans. She loves to chat up fans and gain insights into their lives. She wants to be known as just one of the girls next door or that friendly neighbor that is always willing to engage in friendly conversation.

She is very active on social media, holding over 1,000 posts in the past couple of years. She is very detail and goal orientated, which leads to a high sense of awareness of the prominent person she has become. She uses her public figure for good and will always be the first source in helping someone in the time of need.