Jeopardy! is an American television game show created by Merv Griffin. The show features a quiz competition in which contestants are presented with general knowledge clues in the form of answers, and must phrase their responses in the form of questions. The original daytime version debuted on NBC on March 30, 1964, and was hosted by Art Fleming. A weekly nighttime syndicated edition aired from September 1974 to September 1975, and a daily syndicated edition ran from 1978 to 1979, both with host Jim McKrell.
The daily syndicated version returned on January 7, 1984, and ran until June 27, 1986. On September 24, 1984, a revised nightly syndicated edition debuted with Alex Trebek as host; it has continued to air ever since. In its early years, the daytime version was often criticized for not offering cash prizes, and for offering low-value consolation prizes instead. Starting in late 1974, the program added “Final Jeopardy!” – a last-round clue worth double the value of the previous round’s clues – and began offering cash prizes totaling $50,000 per week.
By the early 1990s, the show had become one of America’s top-rated programs; it achieved its highest daytime ratings average in 1992–1993 season with a 12.8 rating. That year, it became the first game show to be awarded the Emmy Award for Outstanding Game Show.
According to numerous media reports, Mayim Bialik and Ken Jennings will continue to host the long-running game show as permanent hosts.
During talks, Sony’s representatives declined to comment.
Variety reports that Bialik will continue to host the show’s prime-time editions, as well as the upcoming “Celebrity Jeopardy!” set to air on ABC. Meanwhile, according to the Daily Mail, Jennings will stay on in order for Bialik to film her Fox series “Call Me Kat.”
According to the latter press source, Sony is anticipated to make the formal announcement as early as Wednesday.
The report follows weeks after executive producer Michael Davies told Variety that the “Jeopardy!” franchise will require “multiple hosts” as they expand the show’s offerings.
Bialik and Jennings’ trial runs have not gone as planned. Producers had to step in earlier this month when Bialik mistakenly stated that a contestant’s response was incorrect.
“From a Latin word for ‘to clock,’ it’s the type of care given to seriously ill patients to provide comfort without curing.” the clue read.
Contestant Andie Huskie then responded, “What is palliative care?” – instead of saying it correctly.
However, he immediately corrected his answer to “palliative care,” which was correctly pronounced before the time limit expired.
That wasn’t the first time that a “The Big Bang Theory” alum has made an error.
Meanwhile, Jennings made headlines last week for making a “painful,” “uncalled-for” joke.
During a Double Jeopardy round, the clue for “Active Bible Verses” was: “Since no one had done this for 40 years, God told Joshua to get a knife & do this to male Israelites.”
Contestant Erica Weiner-Amanchi then called in to say “What is circumcise?”
“That is correct,” joked the former champion. “A painful $2,000 for you!”
Last month, Bialik also addressed criticism from show fans, who felt they were entitled to criticize everything from her hair and make-up to her “nerd” wardrobe. During an episode of her podcast “Bialik Breakdown,” the host appeared frustrated by the negative reaction she receives.
“I get that a lot,” she stated.
Alex Trebek, the long-time host of “Jeopardy!,” died of pancreatic cancer on Nov. 8, 2020. He has hosted the program for 37 seasons.