In what might be the most colossal misstep in the history of the Star Wars franchise, the latest series, “The Acolyte,” has landed with a resounding thud. Created by Leslye Headland, this show marks a dramatic and unfortunate departure from the beloved classic Star Wars universe that George Lucas crafted so masterfully. Instead of embracing the timeless themes and characters that have captivated audiences for decades, “The Acolyte” injected divisive social and political themes, including a heavy-handed LGBT agenda, leading to an unprecedented backlash from fans.

The response has been nothing short of brutal. With an audience rating of just 18% on Rotten Tomatoes, “The Acolyte” has secured its place as one of the worst-rated pieces of entertainment in Star Wars history. Fans, many of whom have been loyal to the franchise since its inception, are voicing their outrage. A petition titled “Help De-canonize The Acolyte” has already garnered nearly 19,000 signatures, reflecting the growing discontent among the Star Wars community.

The petition’s description is a scathing indictment of the show’s many failings. “Like so many fans of Star Wars, I found the show ‘The Acolyte’ absolutely frustrating,” it begins. The petition goes on to criticize everything from the “abysmal writing” and “ever-changing character motivations” to the “awkward cinematography and strange jump cuts.” But perhaps the most damning critique is the accusation that the show “breaks canon,” undermining the very fabric of the Star Wars universe by rendering the prophecy of the Chosen One insignificant.

Fans are not holding back in the comments section either. One fan, Amanda, expressed deep frustration with how the original stories and characters have been treated: “As a long-time SW fan, I care about the stories and the characters created by George Lucas. I hate seeing their stories being trashed and retconned by creators that hate the very existence of George Lucas’s original story and his characters. They can’t create, so they want to destroy.”

Another fan, Joel, directed his ire at Disney itself, writing, “I know Disney won’t listen. But I want to stick it to them anyway. You don’t give consumers what they want, then you will lose said consumers! Stop hijacking narratives to serve your social-political purposes while writing horrible stories.”

The sentiment is echoed across the Star Wars fan base, with many lamenting the ideological motivations that seem to have taken precedence over the art of storytelling. “This was an abomination of the Star Wars lore,” another fan stated. “The franchise should have never been given to such an incompetent, ideologically motivated team, who prioritizes activism over art and good writing. This was an embarrassment for both Star Wars and cinema.”

In a recent report by The American Tribune, it was revealed that “The Acolyte” has been canceled after its disastrous first season, a move that many fans see as inevitable given the overwhelming negative reception. The popular X (formerly Twitter) account Wall Street Silver summed up the situation, saying, “The ultra-woke Star Wars show ‘The Acolyte’ will not continue, with Lucasfilm opting not to proceed with a second season of the ‘Star Wars’ offshoot starring Amandla Stenberg.”

As Star Wars fans continue to voice their dissatisfaction, the message to Disney and Lucasfilm is clear: return to the roots that made this franchise great. For a series built on timeless stories of heroism, hope, and adventure, “The Acolyte” serves as a stark reminder of what happens when those core values are abandoned.