Carolyn Bryant Donham has died at 88. She was the woman who falsely accused 14-year-old Emmett Till of whistling at her in a grocery store in 1955, which led to Till’s brutal murder. Till was a black teenager from Chicago who was visiting family in Mississippi at the time of the incident. Donham’s husband, Roy Bryant, and his half-brother, J.W. Milam, kidnapped Till from his great-uncle’s house, severely assaulted him, shot him in the head, and then tied a cotton gin fan around his neck using barbed wire. They eventually threw his body into the Tallahatchie River. This heinous crime received widespread attention and played a significant role in initiating the Civil Rights Movement.

Bryant and Milam were found not guilty by an all-white, all-male jury even though there was substantial evidence against them. They confessed to the crime in an interview with Look magazine, but they couldn’t be tried again because of double jeopardy. Donham confessed in 2007 that she lied about Till’s supposed behavior, but she was never charged. She lived the remainder of her life in relative anonymity, and her family confirmed her death on April 22, 2023.

The murder of Emmett Till and the subsequent trial that resulted in his killers being acquitted caused public outrage and motivated activists, which marked a significant moment for the Civil Rights Movement. Rosa Parks, who refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery bus a few months after Till’s murder, mentioned that she was remembering him when she took her stand. Various songs, plays, and documentaries were inspired by this case and Emmett Till’s name continues to be used today as a representation of the fight against racial inequality.

After the trial, the two men who killed Till were shunned by the community and experienced negative consequences. Bryant and Milam’s businesses faced failure and they were ostracized. Bryant ended up getting divorced multiple times, while Milam’s life was also plagued by financial troubles and loneliness. Both men have passed away many years ago.

After the trial, Carolyn Bryant Donham, who played a critical role in Till’s murder, divorced Roy Bryant in 1975 and got married again. She settled in Raleigh, North Carolina, where she kept a low profile and her community was not aware of her connection to the case.

Historian Timothy B. Tyson revealed in his 2017 book, “The Blood of Emmett Till,” that in 2007, Donham admitted to fabricating the story about Till’s advances. She stated, “That part’s not true.” Despite this admission, Donham was not charged and continued to live a relatively obscure life.

The recent death of Donham has brought up painful memories and reignited the demand for justice for Emmett Till. There are differing opinions on whether Donham should have been prosecuted for her involvement in the murder or if she already suffered enough, just like the men who were directly responsible for the crime. Emmett Till’s tragic story serves as a reminder of America’s dark past and the need to fight against racial discrimination, and it will continue to be a powerful symbol for future generations.