Calvin Klein, once an iconic brand known for its elegant designs and timeless beauty, has once again stirred controversy with its latest venture into the world of woke advertising. The fashion giant’s Pride 2022 campaign resurfaced, drawing a furious response from conservative circles.

In an audacious move, Calvin Klein featured Bappie Kortram, a Netherlands native who identifies as a trans man, in its promotion. Kortram, donning a Calvin Klein bra and underwear while still maintaining a beard and chest hair, sent shockwaves through traditional sensibilities. His advertisement agency proudly proclaimed that Kortram had yet to undergo top surgery, further raising eyebrows.

Dr. Anastasia Maria Luopis, a Danish physician, took to Twitter to express her dismay, captioning a picture of the promotion with the incendiary remark, “Calvin Klein wants to go broke.” This reaction was just the tip of the iceberg.

Kortram, however, seemed unfazed by the controversy, sharing on social media, “There aren’t enough words in any language to describe how much I love Jamilla and how much this shoot means for us both.” He went on to discuss his upcoming top surgery and Jamilla’s gastric sleeve, apparently equating these personal choices to a form of “fat pride” and “fat joy.”

Critics were quick to pounce on the campaign, with one Twitter user questioning the motive behind such an audacious move: “What do they think they are achieving by replacing unrealistic beauty standards with unrealistic ugly standards? Just more evidence that we don’t live in a ‘free market,’ but in an ideological oligarchy.”

Another user offered a harsh critique, comparing Calvin Klein’s latest endeavor to “abstract art for the fashion world” and lamenting the apparent abandonment of traditional ideals of beauty.

The big question on everyone’s mind is why major companies continue to engage in such woke advertising campaigns. One critic suggested a conspiracy, saying, “There is no way these companies can see what happened to Bud Light and STILL want to pander to what is essentially .0001 percent of the population. They must be getting monetary support from somewhere to offset the losses from this.”

Indeed, many are left wondering whether Calvin Klein has lost sight of its original mission. As one observer put it, “The question is: Who needs Calvin Klein now?! Today I offer you my best service. Tomorrow I decide to serve you badly. Would you continue to come to me for good service? Calvin Klein used to be in the design and beauty business. Still in that business?”

Furthermore, critics argue that this campaign does little to promote genuine progressivism. One user pointed out, “How is this ‘progressive’? Calvin Klein has featured women and people of color before. Being overweight (which is largely a lifestyle choice and extremely unhealthy) is not ‘oppression’. You get no bonus points for simply existing and existing badly; setting a bad example for all.”

This isn’t the first time Calvin Klein has ventured into woke territory. Their 2022 Mother’s Day campaign, featuring a pregnant woman who claimed to be a man, also raised eyebrows. The campaign’s tagline, “Today, in support of women and mothers all over the world, we’re spotlighting the realities of new families,” was seen by many as a slap in the face to traditional family values.

In response to the backlash, Calvin Klein issued a statement, saying, “We embrace this platform as an inclusive and respectful environment for individualism and self-expression. At Calvin Klein, we tolerate everything except intolerance—any intolerant commentary will be removed, and any accounts issuing hateful statements may be blocked.”

While the fashion world continues to evolve, Calvin Klein’s recent endeavors have sparked a fierce debate about the limits of political correctness and whether the brand has strayed too far from its roots. As the controversy rages on, one thing is clear: Calvin Klein’s latest foray into woke advertising has ignited a firestorm of criticism.