Logan’s Roadhouse, a failing restaurant chain, fired all of its employees in order to stay afloat and is on the verge of shutting down 261 restaurants. While many eateries have switched to take-out and delivery, Logan’s determined it was better to just lay off their staff and let people go rather than attempt to keep operating during the worst economic
Not only did the restaurant company abandon its employees during this health and economic downturn, but its CEO, Hazem Ouf, was also dismissed for theft. Despite never having been given permission to do so, he moved cash around in order to satisfy his own interests.
Hazem Ouf, the company’s former CEO, was fired for “passing along $7 million in sales taxes to states where the firm’s various brands were in operation,” according to reports.
A week after this man was let go owing to his failure to execute this financial move under the supervision of the court-appointed overseeing authorities, CraftWorks Holdings elected to continue firing its employees. The firm did so by mothballing every one of their 261 locations because it said it didn’t have enough cash to keep them going.
The firm neglected to notify staff that their jobs had been terminated permanently, which led to the misconception that they would be able to return to work as soon as the first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic passed across America.
The firm was in dire straits before the epidemic. It filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, which got worse with Trump’s fourth year in office when the economy cratered.
The firm replaced Hazem Ouf with the new CEO, Marc Buehler, after he was dismissed. He wasted no time in firing people and cutting off their health care benefits. People are rushing to sign up for Obamacare, which remains a refuge for those who need cheap healthcare insurance, as a result of this.
Since the firm was mismanaged and failed to have any backup plan if things did not go their way, about 18,000 staff were all summarily dismissed from Logan’s Roadhouse. Instead of looking out for others, they looked only for themselves and their own financial interests.
Despite the fact that the restaurant abandoned its workers during a time of need, it did offer them with consolation.
“The CraftWorks Foundation, which is run by Logan’s team members — The HOPE Program and Logan’s Love — is a 501(3)c. The objective of HOPE is to help team members or former team members who are presently dealing with a crisis. CraftWorks Holdings defines team members as anybody who has been (up to four
Do you believe businesses should do all they can to support their employees right now? Or should they put their focus on just their bottom line during this economic crisis?