A child’s greatest wish is to live in a warm and loving environment. Adopting children who are eager to be adopted may be difficult for them. It might be tough to locate a family for older kids or those with behavioral issues. Children who are terminally ill, on the other hand, are the most difficult to adopt and find a family that would want them in their home.

That is not the case, however, for sickly youngsters in California. All of this is due to a single father who has dedicated his life to making a difference in the lives of terminally ill children. He sees it as his duty to make an impact on the lives of terminally ill youngsters.

Mohamed Bzeek, of Azusa, California, has made it his life’s work to assist terminally ill youngsters. Since 1989, Mohamed Bzeek has been a foster parent. It was first Bzeek and his then-wife, Dawn, back in the day. The pair took in sick kids so they could be cared for.

Unfortunately, one of their foster children died in 1991. Since then, they’ve decided only to take care of terminally ill and sick youngsters.

The pair couldn’t bear the thought that children who were terminally ill had no hope of receiving love and care in a home. Bzeek has held his adopted kids while they took their last breath in his arms.

In an interview with Los Angeles Times, Bzeek revealed, “The key is, you have to love them like your own. I know they are sick. I know they are going to die. I do my best as a human being and leave the rest to God.”

Even after he and his wife split up in 2013, Mr. Mahoney continued to care for terminally ill youngsters in California. He has subsequently lost approximately ten children throughout the years.

The present kid he’s looking after is a six-year-old blind, deaf, and paralyzed girl with seizures. Her brain abnormality causes her to have daily seizures and necessitates round-the-clock care. Bzeek understands that she deserves love just like any other child, even though she is seriously ill.

Bzeek is confident in his devotion to her. Since she was a month old, he has been her caretaker.

He said, “I know she can’t hear, can’t see, but I always talk to her. I’m always holding her, playing with her, touching her. … She has feelings. She has a soul. She’s a human being.”

Bzeek was informed there was nothing more doctors could do for her when she was only two years old. Despite this, Bzeek kept looking after her, and she is still alive four years later.

Dr. Suzanne Roberts, the child’s doctor, said, “When she’s not sick and in a good mood, she’ll cry to be held. She’s not verbal, but she can make her needs known… Her life is not complete suffering. She has moments where she’s enjoying herself and she’s pretty content, and it’s all because of Mohamed.”

Bzeek is a California adoption legend. While taking care of a terminally ill child may be emotionally draining and time-consuming, Bzeek believes the alternative is far worse. Many severely ill foster children would perish if people like Bzeek did not exist.