In Vancouver, Canada a 22-year old model named Robyn-Lee Jansen suffered severe burns across her body after taking part in a photoshoot that involved fire.
She is an international student but her part-time job is freelance modeling. She responded to a photographer’s modeling job and went to the photoshoot. The idea for the photoshoot that the photographer had in mind was to create some unique shots by placing fire behind Jansen from a distance.
The photographer had claimed to have done numerous fire shoots in the past and assured Jansen that she was safe and had nothing to worry about. Other models had vouched for him but the moment the fire was added to the shoot, things became crazy.
The photographer’s family kept calling during the photoshoot and this posed as a distraction and caused the photographer to feel rushed. As the fire was behind her, the photographer shouted: “Stand still, this part gets tricky!” He threw a bottle of liquid paraffin oil into the flames and before Jansen knew it she was on fire too. She was able to put herself out, but she still acquired 2nd-degree burns on her legs and 1st-degree burns across other parts of her body.
Jansen was rushed to the ER and spent many days at Vancouver General Hospital while recovering from her burns which then turned to blisters. She describes this experience as “one of the most painful things” she has ever been through.
She has experienced a lot of difficulties while walking and has nearly fainted from the amount of pain she had to endure. After suffering from this unfortunate event, she has set up a GoFundMe fundraising page which raised $5,000 in the first 48 hours.
Jansen plans on filing a lawsuit against the photographer and uses her story to warn other models about the dangers of attending risk shoots. She has posted an image of her laying down on the hospital bed with her injuries bandaged up and posted a link to her GoFundMe page in the caption so that others can read her story and offer financial support through the link. The GoFundMe page contains graphic images of the burns that she suffered from doing this photoshoot.
She strongly suggests that you do not trust what others say when going to a risky shoot, and if the photographer cannot guarantee safety procedures, then you should automatically say no to the photoshoot.
Lawyers have suggested that Jasen does not file a lawsuit against the photographer because it may not be worth the time and effort to do this. Although she was advised not to sue the photographer, she is still looking at ways she can take legal action in this matter. Jansen thought this would be an exciting photoshoot and although she knew the dangers involved, she did not expect such a tragic event to occur.
The sole purpose of her telling her story to the world is so that models everywhere can be safe and take caution before responding to photoshoots.