We’ve all encountered crazy coincidences at some point in our lives, but some coincidences are especially incredible.

A collection of photos showing some bizarre situations has been circulating around the Internet and leaving viewers with plenty of questions. One set of photos shows the shocking similarities between John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln.

Keanue Reeves And Paul Mounet
Both had four children, both were killed on a Friday by a gunshot wound to the head, and both were succeeded by presidents named Johnson.

A few images are side-by-side photos of historical figures and modern-day celebrities.
Jack Black And Paul Revere
The similarities in their appearances are almost creepy. One image shows Enzo Ferrari, the founder of the Ferrari company, right next to Mesut Ozil. Ozil was born one month after Ferrari passed away, and they look exactly alike.
Jimmy Fallon and Mahir Cayan
Another image shows Egyptian actress Zubaida Tharwat next to Jennifer Lawrence, and the two look like they could be twins.

Lee J. Cobb and Jason Segal
Another set of pictures tells the story of a man who predicted the Titanic’s sinking. In 1898, author Morgan Robertson wrote the novella Futility, which described the sinking of a ship called the Titan.

Both the Titan and the Titanic were described as unsinkable, both lacked lifeboats, and both sank after colliding with icebergs in the Atlantic Ocean.

Another interesting story includes an old photo of two automobiles from the late 1800s. In 1895, there were only two cars in the entire state of Ohio. These two cars happened to be in the same place at the same time and collided.

There are several more incredible pictures in this collection, and all of them will leave you wondering how these coincidences could be possible.