A heart-wrenching and devastating incident unfolded approximately nine months ago in Geneva, New York, casting a dark shadow over the community. The lives of a two-year-old boy and his father were tragically cut short, leaving behind a profound sense of grief and sorrow. Recently, the Ontario County Sheriff’s Office concluded its exhaustive investigation, shedding light on the cause of their untimely deaths.
The victims, identified as David Conde Sr., 59, and his young son, David Conde Jr., were discovered lifeless in their apartment on February 15 of this year. At first glance, there were no apparent signs of foul play or physical harm on either of them, leaving investigators puzzled and in search of answers. However, through persistent and meticulous efforts, the Sheriff’s Office has now unveiled the truth surrounding this heartbreaking incident.
It was determined that David Conde Sr. succumbed to complications stemming from cardiovascular disease. The weight of this revelation was further amplified by the heartbreaking twist that his innocent young son, David Conde Jr., lost his life due to malnutrition. Initially, there were concerns regarding carbon monoxide poisoning, but subsequent investigations ruled it out, intensifying the emotional challenge faced by the investigators. Lieutenant Dave Cirencione from the Sheriff’s Office shared the poignant struggle encountered during the unraveling of this tragedy.
The distressing circumstances surrounding their deaths came to light thanks to concerned family members who initiated a welfare check on Conde Sr., alarmed by his absence for over a week. Adding to the unexpected nature of this devastating event, there were no known medical conditions or diagnoses associated with Conde Sr., making his passing all the more shocking and difficult to comprehend.
The profound impact of losing both a father and his young son under such tragic circumstances cannot be overstated. Their untimely demise has left an indelible mark on the lives of their family, friends, and the entire community. In this time of immense grief, we offer our deepest sympathies and condolences to the bereaved. May they find strength and solace in the treasured memories they hold dear, and may the departed souls rest in eternal peace.