Sarah Sanders has come up with an entirely new label for Democrats opposing Gina Haspel while claiming they have pledged their support to women. The majority of people are already familiar with Sarah Huckabee Sanders as the press secretary for the White House. There is no doubt last Saturday she came out swinging while she was addressing the Democrats.

These Democrats were clearly against the CIA or Central Intelligence Agency being led by a woman for the first time in history. Sarah Sanders made her opinion extremely clear with a tweet. She tweeted Gina Haspel has been a veteran of the CIA for more than thirty years. She added there was no individual with better qualifications to lead the CIA than Gina Haspel. It was clear Sarah Sanders does not believe the fact Gina Haspel is a woman should make any difference at all regarding her capabilities.

There was a lot of criticism leveraged against Sarah Sanders tweet. Gina Haspel was also criticized due to her overseeing a CIA prison that was kept entirely secret. The prison was purported to engage in interrogation techniques subject to heavy scrutiny. The end result was Sarah Sanders making a statement to the Democrats. She said Democrats have always presented themselves as champions for the empowerment of females.

She added this made every single one of them a hypocrite if they did not give their full support to the nomination of Gina Haspel as the new leader of the CIA. Senator Bill Cassidy made it abundantly clear he agreed with Sarah Sanders. He harped on about the narrative of the Democrats. He said the opposition of the Democrats was a direct contradiction to their frequent narrative regarding women.

Senator Bill Cassidy said the Democrats are not happy about any women being nominated to extremely high positions by the Rebublicans. He believes this action defeats the Democrats insistence that women are simply not liked by the Republicans.

Condoleezza Rice is the former Secretary of State and passionately defended Gina Haspel. Condoleezza Rice stated it was very difficult for the majority of people to understand the types of pressure both her and Gina Haspel were subjected to after the major terrorist attack occurring on September 11th.

Condoleezza Rice said only the individuals in authority positions on September 11th could possibly understand the enormity of the pressures that had to be faced. These individuals were trying to make certain there was never another attack of this magnitude or any other made against the United States of America at any time in the future. Once President Donald Trump made the announcement he would be willing to nominate Gina Haspel numerous outlets went crazy with the information.

There were reports made stating Gina Haspel oversaw the waterboarding of Abu Zubaydah as the suspect of Al-Qaeda. This coverage was extremely controversial. The apparent cause of the misconception was due to a report issued and later corrected by ProPublica. The report did confirm that this interrogation was not overseen by Gina Haspel.