Your Facebook news feed might look a little different on February 23rd. Celebrities like Ashton Kutcher will be leading the movement by changing his profile picture to a red X.

Various politicians will also be participating, and the hope is that tons of regular people replace their smiling selfies with red Xs as well. The campaign is for “Shine A Light On Slavery” Day. Started five years ago by End the Movement, the day hopes to shine a light on the serious problem of modern slavery.

The Red X campaign on social media is to bring additional awareness to the issue. Ashton Kutcher may have shown up on your Facebook feed in relation to this social issue already, as his emotional testimony at the End Modern Slavery congressional hearing went viral.

Kutcher is an anti-trafficking activist and the co-founder of a foundation that uses technology to help fight the sexual exploitation of children. Kutcher and others are helping bring awareness to the startling statistics about modern slavery as well as doing something to stop it. The Red X social media campaign on February 23 is easy to participate in. You can download images to use or just draw a red X on yourself and take a selfie.


When sharing the image and changing your profile picture, you can also use the official hashtags of the campaign, #EndSlaveryAct and #EndItMovement. Those behind this movement hope that the awareness it brings will also drive donations to End the Movement and similar organizations.