Have you ever seen a puzzle on the internet that claims to be impossible to solve unless you have a genius-level intellect?

They tend to be about as difficult as a 3rd-grader’s homework, but people love to try them out. However, every now and then, one of the puzzles is actually difficult, and this puzzle is one of those. It is a perfectly legitimate method of deducing someone’s mental status and ability.

It has been said that those who can solve the puzzle have an IQ of over 150. The puzzle is simply a set of equations, and they are: 6+4=210, 9+2=711, 8+5=313, 5+2=37, 7+6=113, 9+8=117, 10+6=416, 15+3=1218.

The original problem lines up the equations so they are listed downward with one equation per line, but their arrangement doesn’t matter. The goal is to find the pattern and determine what operation is happening to arrive at the end solution. The answers to these simple sums might appear random, but they all actually follow a fairly simple pattern.

Those who need a hint might consider adding and subtracting numbers in the equation to find what sort of answers arise. The puzzle seems quite difficult, but it requires only basic knowledge and a will to look at something differently than you normally do.

For instance, the + in these equations clearly does not mean addition. However, you’ll notice that if you read the answers backwards, their sum is present as the last digits of the answer. So why do the previous digits exist?

It turns those digits are the answer for the version of the equation that trades an addition for a subtraction.