A recent video uploaded by Todd Orr on Sunday, October 2nd went viral immediately, getting almost 6 millions views in three hours and has since climbed to almost 27 millions plays.

After getting attacked by a grizzly bear while hiking in the woods, Orr manages to hike back three miles to get help with makes a quick minute-long video right before going to the hospital.

In the video Orr focuses mainly on his bloody face while he speaks to the camera.

He says a mother grizzly with two cubs spotted him from almost 100 yards away and attacked. Although Orr used as much bear mace as possible to protect himself, he still sustained injuries to his face, arms and shoulder, but miraculously none of these wounds were life-threatening.

He shows his bloody face and hat, but he was able to protect his eyes, throat, and the back of his neck. He shows his broken arm with a few bones sticking out and his maimed shoulder as well.

Orr cautions that bear spray doesn’t always work perfectly but it very well could have saved his life.

He shows the importance of knowing your surroundings and knowing how to protect yourself in these kinds of situations, which could be the reason he sustained only a few minor injuries but managed to escape with his vital organs and vital senses intact, unlike many others who come face to face with an angry mother grizzly bear and lose their face, vision, or life in the process.