Entering any kind of contest usually means that you think about the prize for yourself.
A woman in Michigan won a prize that she decided to donate. Hannah Spooner is 19, and she recently won a contest that a Little Caesars restaurant in Michigan was holding. Spooner received free pizza from the restaurant for a year because she won the contest.
She didn’t want to keep all of the pizza to herself.
Spooner thought that a center that helps homeless youth would enjoy the prize a little more.
The prize value of the winnings is at $500. It would have given Spooner 100 pizzas at $5 each throughout the year.
Spooner knew at the time that her neighborhood was going through a difficult time economically and that there were families that didn’t have a home. She contacted Covenant House of Michigan and asked if they would be interested in the prize.
The center graciously accepted. Spooner knew that her decision was a good one and that the center would benefit from the donation. The pizza will be a part of its three meals a day for the people who live there.
The center knows that teens enjoy pizza at any time of the day, so the gift will be used in a positive manner so that the teens feel like they aren’t in a homeless shelter.