We all know the story of the Good Samaritan, even if we’re not religious. Someone went out of their way to help someone that they could have left there. This story is often repeated in today’s world, and many of these stories do not get headlines and stories in the news because they are such a common occurrence.
However, many of them do not have to do with money. Melissa Simms is a woman from Pell City, Alabama. She and her husband had only $10 in cash – which they split for gas money that day – and no money in their accounts due to many surgeries and other stressful circumstances. She had to take her son with her to the doctor’s office because he stayed home sick. She was not looking forward to having to figure out how she could afford dinner that night, much less the copay that turned out to be much more than she had anticipated.
Trey, their son, sat patiently in the waiting room. A woman that did not reveal her name to the child left an envelope with him while she was in the office. Simms was afraid of someone judging her for her situation, and that she simply didn’t want someone sticking their nose in her business. However, this woman decided to for the better. When Simms came out, Trey gave her the envelope. Inside, the woman had enclosed $100, and a note that told her to “hang in there” and quoted Joshua 1:9, reminding Simms to “not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go”. She was able to afford dinner and the doctor that night.