A student from Bulgaria became so obsessed with getting bigger lists that she visited nearly every cosmetic clinic in the entire country’s capital city. It cost her nearly all her savings to get the look she was finally satisfied with.

Even after getting her lips be this big she still wonders if she should have got bigger. She continues to get work done over and over. Andrea Emilova Ivanova is only 22 years old and she has said that she gets tons of
online wedding proposals every day since a plastic surgeon gave her these gigantic lips. But many people believe that she is lying and can’t believe that anybody would be attracted to a mouth like that.

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#Mahasiswi berusia 22 tahun ini mendapatkan cibiran ketika ia mengungkapkan transformasi operasi plastiknya. Ingin terlihat seperti #boneka #Barbie, ia malah di-#bully #miripmonster. #AndreaIvanova telah melakukan 15 kali bedah kosmetik dalam setahun demi terlihat seperti Barbie. Namun, selama 12 bulan itu, cibirannya meningkat secara dramatis. Hasil #operasiplastik Andrea belum memuaskan semua orang, karena banyak kecaman dan komentar kejam yang menyebutnya monster dan '#DaffyDuck'. Awalnya, wanita yang berasal dari #Bulgaria ini mengubah dirinya dengan mendapatkan operasi plastik dan berharap lebih terlihat seperti boneka. . "Sejak saya kecil, saya mencintai Barbie dan bermimpi tentang wajah yang sepertinya suatu hari," kata Andrea seperti dikutip Daily Star. . "Saya melakukan lebih dari 15 prosedur sejak 2018. Saya tidak menghitungnya, mungkin ada lebih banyak," imbuhnya. Mempertahankan penampilan hasil operasi plastiknya tentu tidak mudah. Andrea dilaporkan menyuntikkan #asamhialuronat ke bibirnya dan melakukan #filler kembali setiap kali ukurannya mulai berkurang. Sementara wanita yang berasal dari kota #Burgas tampaknya senang dengan hasilnya, ia mendapati kritik ketika mengunggah foto selfie secara online. . "Monster!," kritik #netizen. . Meskipun Andrea telah menerima komentar kebencian, dia tidak menyesal telah melakukan #operasi plastik. "Setiap orang memiliki hak untuk hidup dan terlihat seperti yang mereka inginkan, tidak perlu bagi setiap orang untuk memenuhi standar yang dipaksakan oleh orang lain," terang Andrea . "Itu pilihan pribadi dan aku tidak pernah takut untuk mengungkapkannya!," ujarnya. Sumber : wolipop | Senin,10 Jun 2019 #tahu_nggak #viral

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The amount of the online haters is piling up. However she is not fazed by them at all and continues to focus on all the positive comments that she gets every day. She believes that her job is the best thing that ever happened to her. Her instagram account is now up to 15,000 followers and continues to grow every day.

She has had over 15 procedures onto her lips and has more than tripled the size of her original god given lips. Each treatment costs are over $160 but she says that each treatment makes her prettier and prettier. Andrea studies German Philology at Sofia University.

Ivanova stated, “‘I like my lips now, more than before and I feel very happy with them, because I look prettier with bigger lips, and in Bulgaria this is fashion now. I have visited almost all clinics for aesthetic procedures in Sofia and I put in my lips almost all kinds of lips fillers: Princess Volume, Princess Filler, Hyaluronica Vital Esthetique, Apriline Forte, Revolax Deep, and Teosyal.”

She also said, “I get thousands of compliments on my lips and on my outfit, and on my vision and style every day from people all over the world. I have both positive and negative comments, but women write most of the negative comments. There are people who like me with bigger lips and there are people who like me with smaller lips but it doesn’t matter to me, because it’s important for me, how I like it. Other people’s opinion is irrelevant.”

“I can’t give any indication of how big is too big, or can lips be too big, because for each person: “big” “bigger” and “too big” are different concepts. I’m broad-minded and I think people should be free to choose, which one is for them big, bigger or too big. There are no boundaries for me.”

At this point she wants To get bigger than they already are so that she can qualify for the biggest artificial lives and the world contest.

She claims that in her home country of Bulgaria is very fashionable to have big lips and says it is no different than how women have plastic surgery in America.

What do you think of what she has done to her face? Do you think this is an attractive look? Let us know in the comments!