In Muncie, Indiana, a heart-wrenching tragedy has unfolded, resulting in serious legal ramifications for a mother, Aaliyah Lykins. Charged with reckless homicide and neglect of a dependent, Lykins finds herself entangled in a devastating situation following the loss of her newborn child during co-sleeping.
This isn’t the first time Lykins has faced such a nightmare. In a chilling echo of the past, this recent incident marks the second time one of her children has perished under similar circumstances in just three years. According to court documents reviewed by PEOPLE, the most recent ordeal transpired on October 9, 2023, when Lykins, while breastfeeding her two-week-old daughter, reportedly succumbed to sleep.
Tragically, upon awakening, she found her precious infant in cardiac arrest. Despite desperate attempts by first responders to revive the baby, she was pronounced dead shortly after at a local hospital. Lykins’s anguish was palpable at the scene, as reports indicate she lamented, “Oh no, I did it again,” to EMS personnel, according to court documents.
Authorities expressed serious concern in the affidavit, highlighting that Lykins was fully cognizant of the risks associated with co-sleeping with an infant, especially given a prior tragic incident. This devastating loss follows a similar heartbreak from three years prior when Lykins’ two-month-old son also died during co-sleeping, as per court records accessed by McClatchy News.
In October 2020, emergency services rushed to Lykins’ residence after receiving reports of a child not breathing. Tragically, they found Lykins’ infant son, Aiden, unresponsive, who was later pronounced dead at the Muncie hospital. At that time, Lykins admitted to Muncie police officers that she knew placing Aiden in bed with her was wrong.
While charges were not filed against Lykins in the previous incident, her acknowledgment of wrongdoing raises profound questions about accountability and the imperative for heightened awareness of safe sleep practices for infants.
This tragic narrative underscores the need for greater education and support for parents, particularly in vulnerable communities where resources may be scarce. As we grapple with the aftermath of this heartbreaking loss, let it serve as a poignant reminder of the importance of prioritizing the safety and well-being of our children above all else.