Some people believe that they’re the center of the universe and can do whatever they want without consequences, and it can be great to watch people like this get what they deserve.
A video of two people on a Delta flight being arrested after fighting has recently gone viral, much to the delight of the other passengers who were horrified by their behavior. The flight departed from the Minneapolis-St.
Paul International Airport at 6:20 pm, and shortly after takeoff, a rich vice president of Citibank and his girlfriend started fighting with the flight attendants. The VP, Blake Fleisig, and his girlfriend, Anna Koosmann, caused a disruption after a flight attendant asked Koosmann to wait to stand up to use the restroom.
The argument escalated until the pilot turned the plane around to head back to the Minneapolis airport. When it landed, police entered to escort Fleisig and Koosmann off the plane. As they walked down the aisle, Fleisig sucker-punched a passenger who was just sitting down.
The police told Fleisig to stay down, and chaos broke out as many passengers started urging the police to remove the two from the plane as quickly as possible. Fleisig is now facing a charge of disorderly conduct, but many passengers believe he should also be charged with assault.
Fleisig was released from jail shortly after he was arrested, but Koosmann stayed in jail for longer because she resisted arrest. All of the action was captured in a video from another passenger, and Fleisig’s career is probably in trouble after his display of aggressive behavior.