Pickles are a staple ingredient with many sandwiches and burgers, but once you’ve emptied the jar, what should you do with all the leftover juice?
Most people just dump it down the drain, but you may want to think twice before you do this. It turns out, pickle juice has a ton of different uses.
One of the top uses for pickle juice is to cure an upset stomach.
It’s loaded with acidic vinegar, which actually works to balance the PH levels in your stomach and make you feel better. It also helps preserve food longer.
You can use pickle juice to preserve vegetables, such as cabbage or carrots after the pickles run out. Additionally, if you’re dealing with an itchy rash or other skin issues, you can use a little pickle juice on it to soothe the irritation.
The juice can also help with muscle cramps. It’s full of potassium and electrolytes, which work together to make it great at relieving the pain.
All you have to do is swallow a couple spoonfuls. Pickle juice can also be a major lifesaver for your plants as they often require a lot of potassium to stay healthy.
They can sometimes struggle to make their own supply, so adding some in the form of pickle juice can really perk them up. You may also want to make pickle juice your new favorite workout drink. While it’s important to keep drinking a lot of water while you exercise, the salt found in pickle juice plays an important role in keeping you hydrated as well.
Pickle juice can also help you to recover after your workout is over and the vinegar in it can help increase your metabolism.
The juice can even serve as a great cleaning agent, particularly for copper pots and pans. When they start to turn green, rub some pickle juice on them to shine them up.