Social media erupted with backlash against liberal Fox News host Jessica Tarlov for her dismissive comments regarding the legal troubles of former President Donald Trump, brought on by New York Attorney General Letitia James. During a recent segment, Tarlov made several disparaging claims about Trump’s business practices, prompting co-hosts Greg Gutfeld and Jesse Watters to set the record straight and challenge her narrative.

Tarlov opened the discussion with a critical tone, asserting, “I think emotion is hot at the table and it is not emanating from me. Since Donald Trump ran for president the first time, he’s been making this argument: if they could do this to me, they could do this to you. The average person is not inflating their wealth by 800 million to $2.2 billion; they’re not sexually assaulting women. They’re not storing classified documents in the toilet. They’re not fomenting an insurrection, Mar-a-Lago.”

Gutfeld swiftly interjected, aiming to clarify the dynamics of business negotiations and the nature of the accusations against Trump. “I’ll tell you what I do do, because I’m glad you asked. When you’re in a contract negotiation, let’s say your contract is up, and your company says, ‘We want to renew your contract,’ but they don’t give you a bump in pay, that’s just the beginning,” he explained. “Then you come back and you say, ‘You know what? I’m going to ask for the freaking Moon,’ which I always do. I know I’m not going to get the moon, but at the end of the day, they’ll see everything. I can say I want $100 million over the next six months; they’re going to laugh, laugh, laugh. But that doesn’t mean I broke the law. It just means this is what you put down in a negotiation, and as the judge said, it’s all transparent. They actually see there is no fraud here.”

As the conversation heated up, Jesse Watters chimed in, pointing out Tarlov’s apparent lack of understanding regarding the intricacies of the New York real estate market. “With respect, Jessica, you obviously know nothing about real estate, real estate valuations, real estate development, or the IRS, or getting loans from big banks to develop skylines in New York City. Donald Trump did more for New York City than 1,000 Letitia Jameses have done,” he stated emphatically, reinforcing the notion that Trump’s impact on the city far surpasses that of the attorney general.

Tarlov’s remarks, which seemingly dismissed the challenges and successes of one of America’s most recognized business figures, have drawn ire from viewers who feel she is out of touch with the realities facing successful entrepreneurs. Many expressed frustration over her unsubstantiated claims and questioned her qualifications to comment on Trump’s extensive and complex business dealings.

In an era where political divisions are sharper than ever, this exchange highlights the ongoing battle over narratives surrounding Trump and the accusations aimed at him. Critics argue that the media’s persistent focus on his alleged wrongdoings overlooks the considerable contributions he has made to the economy and society, particularly in New York City.

As the debate continues to unfold, one thing is clear: discussions about Trump will remain contentious, with voices on both sides fervently defending their positions. The conversation around Trump, his legacy, and the motivations of those pursuing legal action against him will undoubtedly persist as a significant issue in the coming months.