The success of Roseanne Barr’s sitcom “Roseanne” in 1988 made her a household name. The 1990’s sitcom was even rebooted in the 2000s, but Barr got caught up in some controversies and the show was canceled in 2018.

Barr’s racist tweet was about President Obama’s advisor Valerie Jarrett. Barr knows what she wrote was wrong, and when ABC asked her for an explanation, she had none. She fessed up to her mistake and wrote something she should never have published. Although she took Ambien, which could explain her actions, that isn’t a valid excuse.

After she failed to receive an apology on TV, in 2018 her show was canceled and since that time, she hasn’t worked within the Hollywood industry.

Now, Barr is hoping to pitch a new TV show idea. In the meantime, she made a documentary called “Roseanne: Kicked out of Hollywood” which explains why she believes she should be given another chance in entertainment. The video below details why Barr was removed from Hollywood and argues that she should be given a second chance.

“Roseanne: Kicked out of Hollywood” can be found on Reelz. According to the website, the documentary description: “Bold, brash Roseanne Barr was a trailblazing stand up comic who rocked the comedy world in the mid-1980s and went on to become a Hollywood mega-star with her own top-rated, long running sitcom. She did it again with another hit show years later, but after a scandalous tweet her top rated comeback canceled and the comedy legend’s career was derailed. Now an in depth, personal account from Roseanne herself, her boyfriend Johnny, along with celebrity and insider interviews, this candid one hour documentary special takes a raw and revealing look inside the rise, superstardom and ultimate cancel culture casualty of America’s Domestic Goddess like never before in Roseanne Barr: Kicked Out of Hollywood.”

What do you think are the chances Barr will get another chance to have her own TV show?Have you seen the show “Roseanne”? Do you think she is truly remorseful for her tweet? What are your thoughts on her deserving a second chance?