St. John’s University, New York’s largest Catholic institution, has fallen prey to the woke agenda, quietly stripping “Christopher Columbus Day” from its academic calendar. Once a day to honor the famed Italian explorer and devout Christian, St. John’s now refers to the holiday simply as a “fall mini-break,” sparking outrage among Italian American leaders, alumni, and those who hold to traditional American values.

Angelo Vivolo, president of the Columbus Heritage Coalition, did not hold back in his criticism. “To not acknowledge Columbus is insane,” Vivolo declared. “Of course, it’s an insult.” His frustration is shared by many who see this move as part of a broader attack on Western civilization and Christian heritage. Former Brooklyn Assemblyman Peter Abbate, a proud St. John’s alumnus, echoed Vivolo’s sentiments, calling the decision “outrageous” and “ludicrous.”

The erasure of Columbus from St. John’s calendar aligns with a growing trend in liberal cities like New York, where historical figures once celebrated for their contributions to Western expansion and exploration are being vilified by the radical left. Columbus has become a primary target due to claims of mistreatment of indigenous populations, a narrative seized upon by progressive activists. During the tenure of former Mayor Bill de Blasio, the city began rebranding Columbus Day as “Italian Heritage Day/Indigenous Peoples’ Day,” bowing to left-wing pressure and disregarding the contributions of Italian Americans to the fabric of this nation.

Despite this trend, many Catholic universities, including Fordham University and Iona College, continue to honor Columbus in their calendars, signaling their refusal to yield to revisionist history. Even so, the refusal by St. John’s to do the same marks a betrayal to its alumni, students, and Italian American community. Vivolo himself, who has deep familial ties to the university, noted that St. John’s has benefited significantly from the Italian American community. “My sister graduated from St. John’s. My granddaughter is a graduate. My niece is a student,” Vivolo stated, pointing out that the Columbus Foundation, which he formerly chaired, has awarded numerous scholarships to Italian American students attending St. John’s.

Yet, the university remains steadfast in its decision. Brian Browne, a representative for St. John’s, defended the move, claiming there were limited days available on the academic calendar. He added, “St. John’s University elected to observe Veterans Day and mark Columbus Day with an extended Fall mini-break.” Browne’s statement has done little to placate critics who see this as a weak attempt to justify erasing a holiday that celebrates both Italian heritage and the Catholic faith.

The controversy surrounding Columbus Day at St. John’s is just the latest example of a wider cultural assault on America’s traditional values. Once a holiday embraced by Catholics and Italian Americans alike, Columbus Day is now being replaced by “fall breaks” and politically correct “Indigenous Peoples’ Day” celebrations. Even the City University of New York and the State University of New York no longer acknowledge Columbus Day by name, while Notre Dame University in Indiana has completely removed it from recognition.

Queens Councilman Robert Holden summed up the situation succinctly, warning against what he called “presentism” – the woke habit of judging historical figures by today’s hyper-politicized standards. “We shouldn’t be putting 21st-century standards on 15th-century explorers,” Holden argued. He added that the continuation of former Mayor de Blasio’s executive order to scrub Columbus from city calendars, upheld by Mayor Eric Adams, is nothing short of a “disgrazia.”

In a time when historical revisionism threatens to rewrite the very foundations of our nation, those who cherish America’s rich heritage must stand firm. Columbus is more than just an explorer; he symbolizes the bravery, faith, and ambition that helped shape the modern Western world. St. John’s University, once a proud beacon of Catholic education, is sadly turning its back on these values in favor of appeasing the woke mob.