In a stunning admission, the Biden Department of Justice has quietly revised crime statistics for 2022 and much of 2023, acknowledging what many Americans have already felt: crime is rising, not falling. The updated data reveals that violent crime surged by over 4% during this period, a sharp contrast to previous claims that it had decreased.

This revelation comes on the heels of a heated debate, where former President Donald Trump was fact-checked by CBS’s David Muir, who confidently stated that violent crime had declined based on outdated FBI statistics. Trump, however, stood his ground, insisting that crime was on the rise, particularly due to the flood of illegal immigrants and lenient policies embraced by the Biden administration. Now, it turns out, Trump was right.

For years, crime has been a hot-button issue, especially following the riots and unrest of 2020. Conservatives, including Trump, have consistently argued that crime—especially violent crime—has been increasing across the country, fueled by policies that coddle criminals and undermine law enforcement. Meanwhile, President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have downplayed these concerns, pointing to cherry-picked data that suggested crime was on the decline.

That narrative has now been shattered. The DOJ’s latest report, covering from 2022 through September 2023, reveals a startling 4.5% increase in violent crime—a far cry from the original claim of a 2.1% decrease. This dramatic shift in the data vindicates those, like Trump, who have warned that America is becoming more dangerous under the current administration.

During the debate, Trump directly confronted the issue of violent crime, linking it to the Biden administration’s open-border policies. “It is much higher because of them,” Trump said, referring to the rise in crime. “They allowed criminals, millions of criminals, drug dealers, and terrorists to come into our country.” He went on to explain how countries like Venezuela are emptying their prisons and sending criminals to the U.S., contributing to what he described as a new phenomenon: migrant crime.

Trump’s remarks were met with skepticism from Muir, who attempted to fact-check the former president by citing FBI statistics that showed violent crime was supposedly falling. Muir claimed, “The FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country.” But Trump pushed back hard, calling the data fraudulent. “They didn’t include the worst cities. They didn’t include the cities with the worst crime. It was a fraud,” Trump said.

Now, the DOJ’s revision confirms that the initial crime statistics were, in fact, misleading. The updated figures reflect the grim reality Americans are living with every day: rising crime rates in cities and towns across the country. It’s a sobering reminder that the consequences of weak policies and open borders are real—and they’re hurting everyday Americans.

What’s worse is that this surge in violent crime comes amid a broader effort by the left to defund police departments, demoralize law enforcement, and prioritize criminal rights over public safety. Rather than protecting citizens, the Biden administration has allowed chaos to spread, and this newly released data is just further proof of that failure.

As Trump rightly noted, “They’ve destroyed the fabric of our country.” The facts are now indisputable: under Biden, crime is up, and the consequences of allowing criminals—both homegrown and foreign—into our communities are becoming harder to ignore.

It’s time for real leadership that prioritizes law and order, not political spin.