Lacey Spears was once a successful mommy blogger who wrote about her journey of taking care of her son, Garret.
However, the Internet was shocked when they discovered she was leading a life of lies. Spears was found guilty of the murder of her five year old son, Garret.
Officials say the mother injected a toxic amount of sodium into the boy’s IV line while he was in the hospital. The dosage killed him, despite the hospital’s effort to save him.
As Spears’ adjusts to life in prison for her crime, the truth was uncovered. During her son’s short life, Spears subjected her son to countless unneeded surgeries and hospital stays.
Her need for constant attention led to her obsession with her son’s health.
Some say she suffers from Munchausen by proxy, which would explain her actions. However, her fellow prisoners see her as a child killer.
Spears has become the target of constant bullying. She has even complained to the court about the constant torment from other inmates.
For example, at each meal the inmates that work in the kitchen cover her food with salt, a subtle nod to her son’s death.
Despite her pleas to the judge that she cannot survive with this treatment, Spears refused an offer of protective custody because she does not want to undergo solitary confinement.
Could this be just another tactic in Spears’ relentless need for attention?