In an astonishing turn of events that took place at Disney California Adventure Park, a mother was apprehended by law enforcement after attempting to pass her young daughters off as toddlers in a desperate bid to sneak them into the park without paying. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the lengths some will go to avoid responsibility, even at a place famously known as “the happiest place on Earth.”

A video posted on TikTok captures the chaotic scene, showing the unnamed mother being escorted out of the park in handcuffs by Anaheim police officers, with her two young daughters clinging to her side, visibly distraught and crying for help in Spanish. As the family was led away, onlookers could see a stroller behind them, further emphasizing the ruse. The video has since gone viral, amassing nearly 400,000 views with the caption, “Getting arrested at the happiest place on earth.”

The situation escalated as the mother, reportedly in tears, shouted, “You’re f–king hurting me!” while being escorted away. According to reports from the Anaheim Police Department, the woman is accused of trying to pass her daughters off as two-year-olds to circumvent the cost of admission. Currently, a one-day ticket to Disneyland and California Adventure starts at a whopping $104, and the Park Hopper Pass—allowing access to both parks in one day—runs an additional $65. While the parks do allow children under three years old to enter for free, guests are required to accompany these young children with a valid ticket and reservation.

@diz.tok That’s one way to do it #disneyland ♬ original sound – diz.tok

The police investigation revealed that this was not the mother’s first attempt to sneak her children into Disneyland. Authorities indicated she has a history of trying to bypass the park’s admission policies, highlighting a troubling trend among some visitors to the beloved theme park.

Upon confronting her, park security quickly recognized the fraudulent attempt and contacted law enforcement when the mother failed to comply with their inquiries. Although she was arrested for trespassing, she was released shortly thereafter with a citation, indicating that while her actions were deemed inappropriate, the situation was managed without further escalation.

Disneyland has seen its fair share of similar incidents in the past. In 2022, a woman was filmed trying to disguise an elementary-school-aged child as a baby to avoid paying admission at Disney World in Florida. The child was hidden beneath a blanket in a stroller, only to emerge wearing a Cinderella dress once they were inside the park, showcasing a troubling trend of deceit aimed at evading fair payment for services.

This latest incident at Disneyland raises important questions about the values we instill in our children. Instead of teaching them the importance of honesty and accountability, this mother’s actions could set a precedent for future dishonest behavior.

While the desire to create magical experiences for children is understandable, it’s essential to recognize that there are no shortcuts in life, especially in a place built on the foundations of integrity and joy. As families flock to these parks to create lasting memories, let us hope they do so with respect for the rules that make these experiences possible for everyone.