It isn’t every day that you see a moose while ice skating, but that’s what happened to Viktor Johannessen and his friends.
The natives of northern Sweden were ice skating when they noticed a moose’s massive body floating a short distance away. The moose was wrestling to stay above the freezing water.
It wasn’t long before they realized they would need to intervene if the moose was to survive. “On our way to the hole in the ice, we saw the moose make several failed attempts to get up and out.
It also couldn’t break the ice and reach land by itself,” said Viktor. “So we had to hack at the ice and make a path for it.”
The friends chipped away at the ice until they were able to clear a path for the moose to follow to shore. It wasn’t easy: males can weigh up to 1,543 pounds, and this bull was no baby.
Viktor and his companions were also putting their own lives at risk by staying out on the ice to save the moose. Fortunately, the distance to shore wasn’t far. The moose was tired, but followed their cue, swam to shore, and walked off into the woods.
Source: He Was Ice Skating When He Spotted Enormous Creature Drowning. Now He’s A Hero by internetroi on Rumble