Imagine being able to have the life that people want to watch. This has been the life of Elizabeth Grabowski, a native of British Colombia in Canada. Along with her boyfriend, she has a popular prank YouTube channel that is combined with a strong social media presence. They travel wherever they can doing pranks in front of people to get their reaction on camera.

Aside from getting people to laugh, Grabowski is also building her reputation in the realm of fitness. She is building that world in her life with the same drive that she and her boyfriend Chase did with Butting Heads. She does more than modeling with her followers. Her YouTube channel has how to videos for those who want to know how to get a body like hers. This is building up, with her Instagram page getting the most attention. She is showing how life can be full.

The success that she has in life is not from an accidental catch from some television show or anything in that manner. Grabowski has a degree in marketing and uses that knowledge to figure a way to get the most attention in the areas that are positive for her. This shows in the way she utilizes social media to capture how fitness and traveling is making the life she wants. With Butting Heads, she has millions of views on videos that generates the money to pay for this. The views may not be as large on her fitness channel, but the growth is showing.

Marketing is how this is possible, as people are always looking for entertaining content on both comedy and fitness. It is her skills from her degrees that are driving them to her pages so that her reputation grows. This is what is possible in the modern era of social media.

Elizabeth Grabowski has shown she is not afraid of opening herself up to her followers. The pranks show she has the want to bring laughs and can handle being in the middle of embarrassing situations. She exposes herself to scrutiny even more with her fitness and modeling shots. This is the modern marketing that has allowed so many to find new ways to get healthy incomes. Her example can show there are valid methods to draw attention and not have to worry about how it will be viewed later in life.

Her humor is what seems to draw people to her social media presence and her intelligence keeps them there. This means she can keep working out how she wants and travel where she dreams of. Not many people can have that life. The marketing of all of this allows for more opportunities as life goes forward for her.