In a heart-wrenching series of events, a Michigan couple has tragically lost their lives just days apart in separate accidents between Christmas Day and the New Year. Scott and Mary Lou Levitan, both 66, residents of Livonia, Michigan, were victims of freak accidents that have left their community in shock.
The first tragedy occurred on December 26, when Scott Levitan, a seasoned fisherman, took his 15-year-old grandson out on a frozen lake to enjoy some ice fishing. As they were drilling a hole in the ice, disaster struck: the ice beneath them gave way, and Scott plunged into the frigid water below. His grandson, in a courageous effort to save him, immediately called 911 and tried to pull his grandfather from the icy waters. Unfortunately, the ice broke beneath him as well, plunging him into the water too.
A neighbor, witnessing the chaos, sprang into action with a kayak to assist, managing to pull the grandson to safety. Despite his best efforts, the neighbor was unable to remove Scott from the water due to the perilous ice conditions but managed to keep Scott’s head above water until emergency responders arrived.
Scott was eventually pulled from the water and placed on life support, but the damage was too severe. The following day, December 27, Mary Lou Levitan, devastated by her husband’s condition, made her way to retrieve Scott’s car. Unfortunately, tragedy struck once more. While in the car with a family member, a 19-year-old driver veered into their lane for reasons still unknown, resulting in a catastrophic collision. Mary Lou was killed instantly in the crash, a devastating blow to the family just a day after Scott’s accident.
The grief-stricken family and community were left reeling, especially when, just days later, on December 31, Scott was taken off life support and passed away, mere days after losing his beloved wife. Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard spoke somberly about the tragic circumstances surrounding the Levitan family’s loss. “This is an unspeakable tragedy that has befallen this family in a very short time,” Bouchard said. “Two tragic and unrelated incidents happened within 24 hours of each other. It’s hard to wrap your head around it. Our prayers are with the family during this unimaginable time.”
In a heartbreaking twist, the Levitan family is not the only family reeling from a recent tragic accident. Just a few weeks earlier, two teenage brothers from California went missing after a kayaking accident during a hunting trip. Wesley, 17, and Andruw, 19, were out on the water when Wesley’s kayak capsized. Andruw, in a desperate attempt to save his brother, rushed into the water, but neither brother was seen again.
Their mother, April Clark, has been tirelessly searching for her sons, hoping for their safe return but now faced with the painful reality that the search has turned into a recovery operation. In a heartfelt GoFundMe campaign, she expressed the overwhelming grief her family is experiencing. “This is a freak accident that my family and I are trying to wrap our heads around,” she wrote. “Andruw is a hero in my eyes.”
Both of these tragedies are heartbreaking reminders of how quickly life can change. In just a matter of days, these families have been shattered by a series of unthinkable accidents. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Levitan and Clark families during these devastating times. Their strength and resilience in the face of these tragedies are a testament to the human spirit.