In a heart-wrenching turn of events, Crumbs, the world’s fattest cat, has passed away just weeks after being sent to a specialized weight-loss facility in Russia. Known formally as Kroshik, this beloved feline had captured the hearts of many around the world after being rescued from a squalid basement of a Russian hospital. Living on a diet of scraps and biscuits, Crumbs ballooned to an astonishing weight of 38 pounds—a stark reminder of the perils of pet obesity.

Despite a promising start at a veterinary weight loss center in Perm, Russia, where he shed 7 pounds, Crumbs succumbed to breathing difficulties, leading to his untimely death on Saturday. Vets at the facility revealed a chilling truth: the excessive layers of fat concealed cancerous tumors on his spleen and other internal organs, making diagnosis nearly impossible until it was too late.

Galiana More, owner of the Matroskin cat shelter that took care of Crumbs, expressed her deep sorrow over the loss. “We believed the tumors triggered multiple organ failures,” she stated, highlighting the tragic consequences of ignoring the serious health risks associated with obesity in pets. The full post-mortem exam, which was scheduled for Monday, aims to determine the exact cause of death, but experts anticipate it will be challenging to conclude whether his demise resulted from his weight or the undetected tumors.

“In cases of multi-organ failure, the body simply cannot cope, despite the fact that Kroshik was really a fighter,” More lamented. She noted that cats are notorious for masking symptoms of illness, often revealing serious conditions only after it’s too late. “Cats always hold on to the last; they do not show their diseases. Kroshik had no shortness of breath, no digestive problems,” she explained.

In the weeks leading up to his death, all of Crumbs’ tests appeared normal, leaving his caretakers devastated by the lack of warning signs. “It hurts that we didn’t know about it before,” More said, capturing the profound sadness felt by those who cared for the cat. “This is a great loss for us because Kroshik was a symbol of hope for everyone.”

Crumbs’ journey to better health included a strict diet and a regimen that featured walking on an underwater treadmill—an innovative approach that had offered a glimmer of hope for his recovery. Yet, despite the best efforts of veterinarians and caretakers, Crumbs’ tragic end serves as a sobering reminder that sometimes, even the most determined efforts to improve a pet’s health may not yield the desired miracle.

In a poignant statement, Crumbs’ caretakers reflected on his life: “Sometimes even the strongest cats cannot cope. Sometimes even the best doctors, rehabilitation centers, and support from people around the world are not able to help.” Their heartfelt message concluded with gratitude to those who supported Crumbs throughout his journey, thanking them for being the reason he believed in the goodness of humanity.

As pet owners, this story urges us to take the health of our furry companions seriously. Obesity in pets is not merely a cosmetic concern; it is a significant health risk that can lead to a myriad of complications, as evidenced by Crumbs’ tragic fate. Let his story be a catalyst for change—prompting pet owners everywhere to prioritize their animals’ health and well-being. In doing so, we can ensure that our beloved pets live longer, happier, and healthier lives.