In an era where wedding etiquette has reached new extremes, one couple’s stringent set of wedding day rules has ignited a firestorm of criticism. The unnamed bride and groom, who sought to ensure their special day went off without a hitch, issued a list of 15 rules to their guests. Instead of compliance, they received backlash and were branded as “a–holes” by disgruntled invitees.

The controversy erupted after one frustrated guest leaked the list to Reddit, where it quickly went viral under the caption “Bridezilla/Groomzilla.” The list’s uncompromising tone left many readers fuming.

The list kicked off with a stern reminder that the day was solely about the couple: “This is [redacted] and [redacted’s] big day, not yours.” It went on to dictate strict codes of conduct, starting with a ban on guests obstructing the photographer. Attendees were also commanded to adhere to a black and gold dress code, ensuring no one overshadowed the bride and groom.

One particularly irksome rule instructed guests to keep their opinions to themselves: “If you didn’t put any money out for the wedding, keep your should’ve, could’ve, would’ve to yourselves. Your opinion is irrelevant,” the couple bluntly declared, misspelling “irrelevant” in the process.

Adding to the authoritarian tone, the couple advised guests to “pace themselves while drinking” yet paradoxically urged them to “have a good time.” They warned: “If you can’t handle or dislike the music, simply go home. This is a celebration. Not a funeral.”

Social media engagement was also micromanaged. Guests were instructed to use a specific wedding hashtag for any posts and were discouraged from sitting down throughout the evening, ensuring the dance floor remained lively. The list culminated with a final directive: “Turn ALLLL the way up!”

The reaction on Reddit was swift and brutal. One user commented, “Doesn’t sound like they’re mature enough to get married.” Another quipped, “How am I supposed to turn up and not sit down at least once? I’d take so many selfies just sitting down using their hashtag.”

While the majority criticized the heavy-handed tone, some suggested the rules themselves were not entirely unreasonable but poorly communicated. “I feel like all of these could be rewritten to not sound like an a–hole,” one user noted. Another echoed this sentiment: “None of these rules and expectations are particularly unreasonable; they’re just worded hella aggressively.”

There was also speculation about the enforcement of these rules. One Redditor remarked, “I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a giant poster featuring these rules somewhere in the reception location.”

In a world where personal freedoms are increasingly encroached upon by overzealous regulation, this couple’s attempt to control their wedding guests serves as a cautionary tale. It underscores the importance of balancing personal preferences with respect for the individuality and comfort of others. As one commenter astutely pointed out, “The couple know their own friends and family better than any of us. They very well may be the type of crowd that need rules stated very bluntly and clearly to understand that they’re not just loose suggestions.”

Ultimately, while the desire for a perfect wedding day is understandable, imposing draconian rules on guests may do more harm than good. A little flexibility and a lot of grace can go a long way in ensuring that everyone, including the bride and groom, enjoys the celebration.